Man, if those hyacinths and lettuce would live in my pond, I'd drive up there or pay you to ship the extras to me, but I know they will die. :-( Yours look wonderful, Keith. I'm very envious. I have about 6 babies in the koi pond for sure, and have seen 3 in the goldfish pond, so there are more, just have not spotted them. The ones I spotted in the koi pond (remember, the goldfish were in there until Memorial Day weekend, so possibly or likely the parents) are 3 that are mostly white, with variations of red on bodies and 2 have black tails, one that is black with orange belly and red head, and one that is mostly orange, with a little bit of white, and one or two that are solid black. The one that is black with red on head is one that is totally different coloration and I'm wondering if it's koi. Does anyone know a way to tell if koi or goldfish by looking down at them, other than waiting for whiskers to appear? I think they have pretty much same body style, or close enough looking at them through the water I'll never be able to tell. Probably will catch them next year, set up the 55 gal aquarium, and observe them that way.