Get the shovel handy quick, in case she changes her mind! Thanks Keith and Sissy.. I LovE MedIcIne HaT! Even though the winters are so cold, it's nice here in winter too, snow makes all the puppy chocolate logs disapear... till spring! Here's some winter pictures from last year, when I still had the puppies mommy Sadie, who very sadly past away of cancer, leaving a big whole in my heart, poor Bear, he really was "mommys" boy! I cried hard for that dog, Sadie. She was so much work as a puppy, most people would have gotten rid of her, she was a little bit wild, but boy was she smart!
There was not a fence that Sadie couldn't jump,
There was not a dog that Sadie couldn't pin to the ground in two three seconds flat!
At the "good" puppy park where we used to go, people would say... is that Sadie!
Then the park would "clear out" fast when I showed up with my "hoard"!
When I was sad, Sadie would lick my tears away, boy I sure miss Sadie today!