Koigal50 said:
What I'm saying is either way it goes, it is right that he has been prosecuted. And I personally, would hold him responsible for making a poor decision that resulted is someone's death.
He was getting his head beat into the concrete by a man bigger than most, not a child. He had a God given right to defend himself by whatever means possible and he did. Which is why charges were not initially filed. It was deemed a self defense case. Until Al Sharpton and President "he could be my son" Obama got involved. then the justice system filed charges to pander to the noise.
The comments from the media and the protesters about this poor child don't take into account he was a 6 foot something 17 yo weighing upwards of 200 lbs who had a criminal history of robbery and drugs and that this innocent child attacked Mr. Zimmerman.
But I guess it is ok in America now to twist things in a way that makes law abiding gun owners look bad, while the criminals are the innocent victims. All part of the agenda.
Sad when a hispanic guy who acted in self defense is deemed a "white-hispanic" just to vilify him. Because I guess in America today adding "white" before anyone's names automatically makes a person look bad.
The most tragic thing of all, is that the people involved in making this go to trial take accountability away from bad behavior and more and more "innocent children" will die because they are taught it is ok to act this way.
I think Goerge Zimmerman should be paid back for his court costs and time and suffering straight out of Al, Jesse and Obama's pockets. Along with paying back all the tax payers who flipped the bill for this witch hunt.
Racism against blacks was a horrible chapter in Americas history. My heart hurts for what they have been through in the last 200 years. But I am seeing a mighty change in wind direction and racism is rampant as ever. It has just been turned against "white" people. And I fear the pendulum is swinging far the other way to make up for the indecencies of our forefathers

regardless of who suffers.
Racism is WRONG regardless of who it is against. Just because it is against a "white-hispanic" doesn't make these actions ok.