George Zimmerman Trial

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Nov 2, 2012
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near Kalamazoo, Michigan
waynefrcan said:
I don't have the answers, but treating them as equals would start.
Im sorry Wayne, but you just said we are starting to see more black crimes and if we don't deal with it it is going to become an intense future problem. Dont you find all crimes to be a problem? I don't see you treating them equally at all!


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
CdnJCR said:
Clarification are you saying firearms from Mexico or the southern states in the USA
That is a distinction without a difference since quite obvious the resources have to come from Mexico and enter through the southern states due to how porous folk want to keep our borders.

I just wish folk would have a visit with cattle ranchers in southern Texas and Arizona that have their ranch right there at the border and it is still happening.
Feb 9, 2012
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High Desert Zone 7a
Koigal50 said:
What I'm saying is either way it goes, it is right that he has been prosecuted. And I personally, would hold him responsible for making a poor decision that resulted is someone's death.
He was getting his head beat into the concrete by a man bigger than most, not a child. He had a God given right to defend himself by whatever means possible and he did. Which is why charges were not initially filed. It was deemed a self defense case. Until Al Sharpton and President "he could be my son" Obama got involved. then the justice system filed charges to pander to the noise.

The comments from the media and the protesters about this poor child don't take into account he was a 6 foot something 17 yo weighing upwards of 200 lbs who had a criminal history of robbery and drugs and that this innocent child attacked Mr. Zimmerman.

But I guess it is ok in America now to twist things in a way that makes law abiding gun owners look bad, while the criminals are the innocent victims. All part of the agenda.

Sad when a hispanic guy who acted in self defense is deemed a "white-hispanic" just to vilify him. Because I guess in America today adding "white" before anyone's names automatically makes a person look bad.

The most tragic thing of all, is that the people involved in making this go to trial take accountability away from bad behavior and more and more "innocent children" will die because they are taught it is ok to act this way.

I think Goerge Zimmerman should be paid back for his court costs and time and suffering straight out of Al, Jesse and Obama's pockets. Along with paying back all the tax payers who flipped the bill for this witch hunt.

Racism against blacks was a horrible chapter in Americas history. My heart hurts for what they have been through in the last 200 years. But I am seeing a mighty change in wind direction and racism is rampant as ever. It has just been turned against "white" people. And I fear the pendulum is swinging far the other way to make up for the indecencies of our forefathers :( regardless of who suffers.

Racism is WRONG regardless of who it is against. Just because it is against a "white-hispanic" doesn't make these actions ok.
Feb 22, 2013
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Ontario Canada
Hardiness Zone
crsublette said:
That is a distinction without a difference since quite obvious the resources have to come from Mexico and enter through the southern states due to how porous folk want to keep our borders.

I just wish folk would have a visit with cattle ranchers in southern Texas and Arizona that have their ranch right there at the border and it is still happening.
"A distinction without a difference since quite obvious ...." sorry I missed the obvious.

So the illegal guns come from Mexico, why when you could buy them on the internet or at gun shows without back ground checks etc.
Smuggled guns originating from the US, typically acquired through theft, straw purchases, or gun shows account for as many as 60% of the handguns recovered in crime in Canada. We need to protect our borders.
Nov 2, 2012
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near Kalamazoo, Michigan
CdnJCR said:
"A distinction without a difference since quite obvious ...." sorry I missed the obvious.

So the illegal guns come from Mexico, why when you could buy them on the internet or at gun shows without back ground checks etc.
Smuggled guns originating from the US, typically acquired through theft, straw purchases, or gun shows account for as many as 60% of the handguns recovered in crime in Canada. We need to protect our borders.
What proof do you have that these guns "originate" from the US? and "as many as 60%" sounds pretty vague. Do you have any actual figures? By all means, please do protect your borders. I wish we could do the same.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
CdnJCR said:
"A distinction without a difference since quite obvious ...." sorry I missed the obvious.

So the illegal guns come from Mexico, why when you could buy them on the internet or at gun shows without back ground checks etc.
Smuggled guns originating from the US, typically acquired through theft, straw purchases, or gun shows account for as many as 60% of the handguns recovered in crime in Canada. We need to protect our borders.
Yes, please do tell how ya came up with that...

It is not obvious to ya since ya quite obviously have an agenda here.

For some reason, ya think if America had a Canadian gun ban then this would fix the problem irregardless of the facts about America's southern border.
Feb 22, 2013
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Ontario Canada
Hardiness Zone
crsublette said:
It is not obvious to ya since ya quite obviously have an agenda here.

For some reason, ya think if America had a Canadian gun ban then this would fix the problem irregardless of the facts about America's southern border.
What are you saying please answer the question why would the guns come from Mexico and not be obtained in the USA and what would be a Canadian gun ban?
Nov 2, 2012
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near Kalamazoo, Michigan
CdnJCR said:
What are you saying please answer the question why would the guns come from Mexico and not be obtained in the USA and what would be a Canadian gun ban?
Tough to respond to things that make no sense! What ARE you saying LOL

Cities like DC and Chicago have had guns bans for who knows how long, and guess what, guns still exist there. And in record numbers.
Feb 22, 2013
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Ontario Canada
Hardiness Zone
dieselplower said:
What proof do you have that these guns "originate" from the US? and "as many as 60%" sounds pretty vague. Do you have any actual figures? By all means, please do protect your borders. I wish we could do the same.
The Ontario Firearms Tracing and Enforcement Program traced 705 crime guns in 2007, 490 (69%) of which were traced back to the United States, and 10.5% were traced to a Canada


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
CdnJCR said:
The Ontario Firearms Tracing and Enforcement Program traced 705 crime guns in 2007, 490 (69%) of which were traced back to the United States, and 10.5% were traced to a Canada

Yep, and nothing about that statistic indicates where they originated in the States.

CdnJCR said:
What are you saying please answer the question why would the guns come from Mexico and not be obtained in the USA and what would be a Canadian gun ban?

Answering your question assumes the basis was absolutely true beyond a reasonable doubt. Your question does not deserve an answer. The Canadian gun ban as described by Wayne a few posts back, sec, let me find so to repost.
Feb 9, 2012
Reaction score
High Desert Zone 7a
I honestly don't care about gun crime in Canada or Mexico. All I care about is that every law abiding citizen in America carry a fire arm and we secure our borders. Imagine how crime would plummet!

"An armed society is a polite society."

I would leave gun and border problems in Canada and Mexico up to the Canadians and Mexicans. Not our business and I would hope they feel the same about us.

BTW, the majority of guns crossing borders has been from the US to Mexico and sponsored by our federal justice dept (Eric Holder). Mexico would be wise to go after Washington DC if they want to decrease gun crime in their country.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
Yep, our politicians in majority power, now and in the past, have made many terrible decisions that certainly did not help.
Feb 22, 2013
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Ontario Canada
Hardiness Zone
pecan said:
I honestly don't care about gun crime in Canada or Mexico. All I care about is that every law abiding citizen in America carry a fire arm and we secure our borders. Imagine how crime would plummet!

"An armed society is a polite society."

I would leave gun and border problems in Canada and Mexico up to the Canadians and Mexicans. Not our business.

BTW, the majority of guns crossing borders has been from the US to Mexico and sponsored by our federal justice dept (Eric Holder). Mexico would be wise to go after Washington DC if they want to decrease gun crime in their country.
"BTW, the majority of guns crossing borders has been from the US to Mexico and sponsored by our federal justice dept (Eric Holder). Mexico would be wise to go after Washington DC if they want to decrease gun crime in their country."

Don't tell Charles that because it appears he is convinced Mexico is the main source of illegal guns in the USA is this where I say "It is not obvious to ya since ya quite obviously have an agenda here."


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
Obvious, my previous post in reply to Pecan has me agreeing with Pecan as well. I am not surprised you did not catch this obvious statement.

Ok CdnJCR, tell me how enforcing a restrictive gun ban, such as described by Wayne below, will prevent the formation of blackmarket gun shows for criminals in the States.

waynefrcan said:
Actually it can't just hang on the wall. It has to be in a locked room or cabinet with a trigger lock. Ammo has to be locked up in a seperate location. The 30 rd mag I had is now pinned to 5 rds. But Ok I should be just happy to look at the $1,000 hunk of metal that I paid but now I can't sell for $250.
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