Touche', Neo! You and JW are on a roll. :blueflower:
I figure if my frogs eat all my baby fish, so be it. It's called nature, and survival of the fittest, and I'm not trying to raise 200 baby koi or goldfish each year. In fact, this past year, I saw absolutely not even one baby fish in either pond. I'm wondering if the chemicals sprayed killed them, or maybe the weather and timing of egg laying was off last year, and no eggs made it to hatching day. Or, frogs and fish ate all the eggs. Come to think of it, I never really saw a breeding frenzie in either pond either, so maybe they were all dormant on the breeding issue last year. No worries. Still have the 4 baby koi from the previous year, and they were really growing, almost as large as the babies I had bought the year before that! Anxious to see them all again, but will be patient, since I have no choice in the weather pattern descending upon us midwesterners once again the next couple of days.