The Caesars Brother plants were a gift from a friend about 3 years ago. This may be their 4th season. Anyhow, I've divided them, shared them, transplanted some in the bogs, and they go nuts and multiply quickly no matter where they are. I'm going to separate them again this fall, move them around ... share the pretty come next spring. I have starts of them in both bogs, and anxious for them to bloom.
Pretty much everything is sprouting here, but lots just barely, like hostas and asiatic lilies. So, they worked on my roof last weekend, but only got the backside done. The front side will be hopefully done this weekend. We had rain Monday pretty much all day, but only got 1/2", so that's not bad. After last week's over 5" total, everything is green and growing, even though the temps are still a little on the chilly side. Was 60 today, going up to close to 70 tomorrow and Thurs. Here's the back side of the roof. As you can see, the stream is awaiting new sides. I want to rework it so there is a ledge just barely above the water line, and then put the smoother rocks along the edge that I have gathered in the creeks around here.
Here's what the back side looked like before the new roof.
There were only 2 layers of shingles, so the guys were happy about that, as it took forever to tear that off! Notice there are 2 pipes from the right side (facing the house) that are no longer there with the new roof. One is the electric line, which is going to be buried (trench dug, waiting to lay the line down in it in conduit) and the other is the gas flue from the water heater. Instead of going through the roof, we are going to run it up and under the soffit, over the edge of the gutter, and brace it with a metal pipe (from the electric line) into the ground. The roofer asked if I would like it like that, to grow something up, and I thought, sure! I already have a clematis trellis close to that anyhow. Does anyone have an opinion if that will work, or if that type of a bend in the pipe might be bad for air flow.