Addy, you have most of us beat with the growing plants thing. Love to see your garden pics, and I sure don't know what it is, but your lilies are always far prettier than anyone else's, too! My Georgia Peach are still blooming, but the other hardies have pretty much quit. Never did get a bloom from either of the tropicals I got last month, but hoping they will do better next year. They are still growing well, though. Thinking the koi are possibly eating the buds when they emerge, maybe they are tastier than the hardies. May have to encage them in netting next spring to be sure fish cannot get to them! Will have to see.
And, Sissy, that's they kind of thing I will do when I retire, make blankets for the nursing homes, and baby blankets for the hospitals! I'm sure there are groups that do that to make sure everyone is treated fairly, I will have to join one. Right now, though, enough on my plate with working full time and my ponds and horses! Going camping next weekend for 4 days in Southern Illinois Shawnee National Forest! Good thing I have friends to follow on the trails, as I would NEVER find my way back out of there. I have no sense of direction, but will have a fun time camping for sure!