capewind said:
I am so tired of the gun debate. It just makes so much sense to make stricter laws for legal ownership, when criminals will STILL find a way to get them, and cause harm. The gun debate is NOT about keeping people safer, but brainwashing people into more gov't control. No thanks.
You watch, this will come true...
"One day, you will wake up, turn around and realize that you have less rights than a communist."
You won't be able to defend yourself against the government because YOU swallowed all this hogwash and allowed THEM (the government) to take your guns away in a "gun amnesty" program.
They, the "government" will then be able to force you to do anything they desire and you will not be able to oppose their directives, because you have no guns and can therefore not defend yourself and you will be sent to a "retraining camp" to correct or redevelope your thoughts so that you agree with the current establishment.
Stop me if you have ever heard of this before.
I don't condone anarchy or free reign of terrorism, but I sure as hell won't allow my God given rights and privelages to be reduced or removed. I am fighting for these till my last breath! In the USA, we are the very LAST stronghold for such rights and privelages. Almost every other country in the world has had them removed. We MUST resist this here in the United States, otherwise we will be at the mercy of tyrants and terrorists and neither of these has any sense of mercy nor compassion.
If you take away all the guns and enact new laws, there will be two types of people who will always have them.... The government/military and the criminals. If it comes to this, there won't be any difference between any of them as all will have free reign to do as they please and YOU and I will have ABSOLUTELY NO recourse but to follow along... Be it right or wrong. You will either be shot or put in a goulag concentration camp, etc!