wispfox said:I have no idea if I agree with you. It's too early to be reading anything political about it, at least for me. I failed to be able to read the entire thing, or even past the very beginning when it was clear that it was a bit of a political rant. I don't think I know anyone who was hurt, but I do know a few who were far too close.
[edited to add] I agree with the beginning of what you said, in that our government is entirely too stuck in processes and argmenets within and between themselves.
I'm much less convinced that guns would have helped in this case, considering that the boston marathon is typically highly policed. If the police, whose jobs it is to protect people and use guns, were unable to prevent this, how would guns in civilian hands have had any effect? No one knows who caused it; there is only some vague suspicion.
I don't really feel like who the president is has much effect on terrorism, whether it turns out to be someone in the country or out of it. Preventing terrorism isn't really about the people at the top of the government, except possibly in that terrorism typically appears to relate to the tendency of people to want to retaliate for things done to them. So it _might_ be about wars we are or are not in, if it's externally sourced.
I dunno. I have no idea what the solution is, but saying that it's our fault seems to be an oversimplification, with no concrete ideas of what we can actually do. It's also really frustrating and a bit painful to read the same day it happened. I suspect that it's coming out of your own frustration and the fact that you are too far away to help, which I understand! And yet...
Hi Wispfox,
I think that you misunderstood my basic theme, which may have been obscured within and in-between the lines of my ranting. It is not political, it is "social" or "societial". My contention is that we are, as a whole, becoming too soft, too liberal and too lax that our enemies and just plain "wierdos" think that they can do whatever they please, when they please and have no repercusions. We don't seem to have any negative consequences for the actions of such people anymore. They know that they can get away with so much and we are just going to give them a slap on the hand for their wrong-doings and they will go out to the big box store and buy a big screen TV and watch it all and laugh, then write a book about it all and sell it.
My opinion is that we need to stop playing footsy with the terrorists, including Iran, North Korea and Al Qaeda, etc and quit sending money abroad to countries which hate the US and start acting like a super power country again. We need to redevelop this mentality at home first, then send the same message abroad. If we start here at home, then our children will develop the same mindset and carry the message forward.
The "guns" issue and arming everyone is simply a matter of re-invigorating respect. You don't do road rage with a guy holding a 44 mag! Well, that isn't exactly my point, but I think it gets the message across in a metaphor. If you think the other driver could blow your head off, you won;t flip him the bird, but you shouldn't do so in the first place, right? I think what I am trying to exude is that what you do, your actions, have consequences. Our society is becoming overly liberal and allowing too many excuses so that people may not be held responsible for their actions. Therefore, you hear more reports of insanity and sensless shootings and bombings and beatings, etc. Nobody thinks they will be held accountable for their actions. It is always someone else's fault, someone else "drove" them to do it and therefore they are not guilty. Many times, this holds up in a court because the jury buys this crap!
I am sorry, but you killed someone, and unless they were trying to kill you first, you are going to hang! No more loopholes and ten to 30 years wasting the taxpayers money to find some way out. Tomorrow at sunrise, you go to the gallows! End of story. This is the message we need to propel so that lunatics have to think twice and three times before they try bombing someone. I don't think that they think that this world is real. I think that they believe it is never-never-land and they can do anything they please. It is our responsibility as citizens to enforce the notion that this is not true.