Boston Marathon ,,,


Apr 28, 2011
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NW Louisiana -- zone 8b
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United States
There are some really sick, sick people out there and I just can't comprehend ....... I was raised to respect life. ALL life!


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
The President says we well get them and they will feel the full weight of what they did. I sure hope we do and they are some creeps that I won't have any respect for their lives when they find them and I will hope they get obliterated right off the face of this earth when they face execution. No excuse for doing this to innocent people just enjoying a day out. So sad for them all and their families. I pray no more lives will be lost from this and that those that were involved will be able to heal and still enjoy life again.
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
Shit like this makes me so angry. I remember watching 9/11 for days. If bad guys want to kill bad guys, have at it, but leave the innocent out of it. It looks like one of the bombs was in a trash can per reporters, but officials wont comment on that ... really getting pissed off at the media ... still reporting that a "woman lost a leg" but now have changed the statement to "a young mother lost a leg" ... cant they just leave it that people have been seriously injured, including limb loss???
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
I have faith in the Boston Police to do their best ... The Boston Police have done a lot to make Boston a safer city. Whoever did this will NOT get what most folks believe they would deserve. If caught, I place bets on a federal prision ... warm bed and 3 meals per day ...
Oct 14, 2011
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Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska
My friends. We are totally stupid.

Yes, you read me correctly, I said WE are stupid. It is US who are allowing these atrocities to occur by and from and through our sheer complacency.
Every instance like this that occurs is just another sign that WE are not being bold enough to prevent it. We do NOT need the government to step in
and stop this. So many people believe that our government should protect us from these instances. I am sorry to state that OUR government is not
capable of protecting us from anything more severe than harsh words and they are not very good at that. We have declined as a civilized country in
the past 50 years and no one wants to take the credit or the blame. We used to be proud Americans who would defend our honor and combat these
dregs and lumpens, but there are far too many loafers among us who lie back on their fat bottoms and point fingers at someone else, and thus nothing
is ever resolved as we await the "authority" figures to act and they will not act because they desire our votes during the next election cycle.

We really need to "wake up" and "grow up"! It is time that we return to our roots and retake control of our country and our society. We cannot sit idly by
and wait for some pompous ass to determine what he or she believes is best for US and then wait ten years for that to pass through congress.

We MUST act on our own NOW and do so in hie! More laws are NOT the answer here. The answer lies within protecting our current rights and in
excercizing them through our own authority, not some legal disposition that tells us when and how we can react or respond. This is OUR damned
country and WE should be running the show, yet we allow these morons to take control of the wheel and look what we get in return! Do you like it?
I sure as hell don't, and I am pissed as hell and I don't want to tolerate it anymore!

Our elected officials aren't doing what they are being hired to do. They are creating box canyons in our system that we can not escape from.
That is NOT what WE hired them to do, that is NOT what the founders of our government intended them to do. Everything is SO WRONG and it
is all OUR fault for allowing this to go so far. We must draw in the reigns and put a halt to the erroneous direction that our government is taking us
towards. We did the hiring of these people, but we did not FIRE them when it became apparent that they were not performing their duties according
to our requests and desires.

We, the People of the United States, must take back the control our country, our society and our destiny and reconfigure it so that it lasts in a proper
manner for our descendants. Our children and theirs and beyond.

Personally, I say that everyone, every individual citizen, should own at least three guns, be well versed in their use and maintenance and be proficient
at sharp-shooting. And, when some burglar, nutjob, invader, lunatic comes into your home, neighborhood, grocery store or bank, you should feel free
to shoot the SOB and not have any repercusions from a snidely, "greater than thou" government employee who doesn't even know how to tie his shoelaces,
change a baby's diaper or understand that HE or SHE is supposed to be OUR EMPLOYEE.

I hope no one takes this wrong, but I am MAD AS HELL regarding the direction WE are allowing our country to follow. I don't want to take it any longer.
We are MUCH better people than this and we should make that known to the entire world by and through our ACTIONS and not our stupid INACTION
and lame voting record, especially recently.

We, as a people of consience and moral fortitude, need to step in and "NIP IT IN THE BUD" right now. This is OUR country, not Obama's! If I wanted
a life in Kenya, I would have moved there. It didn't look that swell to me so I stayed here. I didn't realize that some jackass would try to import it!

You will excuse me for rambling and being so harshly critical, but this is what I percieve to be the current reality and I am BULL-HEADED with my opinions.
I suppose the FBI and the Secret Service and the ATF will come visit me again, soon. Because I "don't fit or comply" with their way of thinking. That's fine,
I will tell them the same thing I usually do.................... "Get a REAL JOB and quit annoying people!"

Yep! There is no way in this world that anyone is going to hornswaggle ME! I see the writing on the wall. I hope that others do to.


(AKA Catfishnut)
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
Gordy, I found not one fault with your post, and agree 1000%. Liberal laws or not, come into our home with harmful intents, and I can promise you everyone in this house will do their damnest to be alive to face whatever charges our laws want to throw our way for use of excessive force. We dont have the macho "all that attitude" but we are armed. I support not one politician, but our CONSTITUTION.

Today in Massachusetts, it is PATRIOTS DAY, which is in honor of two battles just outside of Boston that were the start of the REVOLUTIONARY WAR, Boston is one of the oldest cities in the country (founded in 1630) and it's just icing on the cake that today is also the oldest marathon in the country ... All a coincidence? I think not ...
Apr 12, 2013
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Waltham, MA
Hardiness Zone
I have no idea if I agree with you. It's too early to be reading anything political about it, at least for me. I failed to be able to read the entire thing, or even past the very beginning when it was clear that it was a bit of a political rant. I don't think I know anyone who was hurt, but I do know a few who were far too close.

[edited to add] I agree with the beginning of what you said, in that our government is entirely too stuck in processes and argmenets within and between themselves.

I'm much less convinced that guns would have helped in this case, considering that the boston marathon is typically highly policed. If the police, whose jobs it is to protect people and use guns, were unable to prevent this, how would guns in civilian hands have had any effect? No one knows who caused it; there is only some vague suspicion.

I don't really feel like who the president is has much effect on terrorism, whether it turns out to be someone in the country or out of it. Preventing terrorism isn't really about the people at the top of the government, except possibly in that terrorism typically appears to relate to the tendency of people to want to retaliate for things done to them. So it _might_ be about wars we are or are not in, if it's externally sourced.

I dunno. I have no idea what the solution is, but saying that it's our fault seems to be an oversimplification, with no concrete ideas of what we can actually do. It's also really frustrating and a bit painful to read the same day it happened. I suspect that it's coming out of your own frustration and the fact that you are too far away to help, which I understand! And yet...
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
The main focus is the people, but on the most basic of levels, our laws are not protecting us, and for many, that is a very frustrating subject. Whether the evil person or people responsible for this evil are foreign or domestic, makes no difference. A clear message needs to be sent to anyone committing acts of violence against innocents that this behavior WILL have reprocussions.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Looking at Fox news right now and it is so hard to watch what happened and all the frantic people running and not knowing where to really go for safety. I can't imagine being in anything like that and don't want to ever have to. I watch it and start to cry. Now they say one of the ones who died was a child. Makes me so sad, mad and everything in between. The creeps who did it are sitting somewhere now reveling in their glory for killing an innocent child. Our world is a sinking ship. Now there will be people who will say we just need to talk love to these murderers........they just need us to understand them.........................oh the steam is coming out my ears in full force now!
Apr 12, 2013
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Waltham, MA
Hardiness Zone
"A clear message needs to be sent to anyone committing acts of violence against innocents that this behavior WILL have reprocussions."


The problem is, how?

Terrorism of any sort is notoriously hard to combat. That's kind of the point of it. If someone is trying to make a point involving pain and death, and they don't care if they get caught or hurt or injured... what sort of punnishment or prevention will work?

I completely understand the frustration, and indeed I share it. Until we have any idea how to prevent terrorism, perhaps preventing the impulses that lead to it (often seems to relate to 'eye for an eye' type thinking, or worse, escalation wherein it's worse than the original offense), I just have no sense of how to _stop_ it. And of course, I have no idea how the people who perform terrorist acts are thinking, which makes understanding it enough to stop it even harder.

Which is terrifying in itself. Probably the goal. *sigh*


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Fox live yep that's what I'm watching too. They just made a statement that it shows our strength together when things like this happen. The problem seems to be we don't remain strong and stick together. Seems we drift back into la la land and everyone just lets these people do this again and again. Why can't we stop this and work together? Do people really believe we can reason w/ these people that want us all dead? I think some places perhaps on this earth may need to become extinct by some means of instantaneous annihilation like we used to do in the olden days when we believed in our country and what it stood for.

Now they are saying they are looking at a 20yr old person in the hospital w/ injuries as perhaps a suspect or just want to talk to him about it.
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
wisp ... I would love to live in a world where we could all get along, but simply put, we can not coexist will people who want to kill us either. Let's break this down to the most basic levels.

Children need love and support, but clear boundries. They need to understand kindness as a priority, but also to accept responsibility for their actions. When boundries are not taught, they do not learn to accept responsibilty for their actions, they tend to move on to bigger and more extreme actions. Is jail really the answer? It is a lose lose situation. We as a society lose what could have been a productive member of society, and the child ends up with the shit end of the stick being in jail or worse, dead.

We have become an entitled society where people are more concerned with handouts, then the pride of being accountable to themselves. I dont promote violence by any means, and would rather flee than fight, but if pushed, I would FIGHT. It isnt about an eye for an eye, but I am willing to stand up FOR myself and those I care about. I wasnt the type of kid, who when bullied, ran home crying to my parents. I stood up for myself.

Now I agree that had the crowd been armed today, it would not have made a damn bit of difference against bombs. The issue here is "the bad guys" do not fear reprocussion, We do NOT need bigger government or more laws on the books, we need our existing laws to MEAN SOMETHING.

Our older daughter was the victim of a drunk driver on the night of 3/19. Not only was my daughter T-boned by a large truck (3500 series GMC 4x4), the person who hit her LEFT HER FOR DEAD and fled the scene. BECAUSE OF HER CAR (it was a Lexus, but the Jaws of Life still took over 15 minutes to gain access to her, and yes, we were on scene, we were on the phone with her when it happend), she was not seriously hurt ... they found the person about a half hour later (blew 1.95 and 2.08) and the most serious charge against this person is leaving the scene of an accident with injury ... The MAX sentence is 2 yrs in jail ... in THIS liberal state, I can GUARANTEE you, they will get off with PROBATION. Drunk driving is a serious issue, I think we can agree on that. Do you think if people feared the reprocussion (2 yrs in jail), there may be a few less instances???

No fear of reprocussions, lack of disapline, and lack of morals are some of the REASONS we are where we are today.

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