No, the airline does not have to be in the center of the pond. IMHO you want it in the shallow parts, at the edge should be fine. Like what MT did by moving it up on a shelf where they saw a difference.
The objective is simply to keep a small hole in the ice for gases to escape, not actually aerate with oxygen. Winter kills aren't typically due to oxygen levels but due to poisionous gases from decomposition of organic mater which I don't think you have any from seeing your last pics!
A pond clean of debris, small hole at shallow end and as still water as possible at deep end. Nothing that makes a current in the pond. That has always been my objective and advice.
As far as your air line, yes, it's the portion in the water up to the water level that will freeze. But once frozen it could be hard to thaw. I don't know at what temps the plastic hose melts at. Never tested it. I don't know if a hot pot of boiling water could melt the tubing or not. I'm thinking not, but I don't know.