So I was at my parents house last monday night and looked up and saw this cloud, I know exactly what it reminded me of, but tell me what you think...

Probably one of the coolest, clearest, cloud shapes I've ever seen!
So I also decided to repot the plants I just got. I moved the water lily I had in the whiskey barrel into the pond since it was really growing nice and moved one of the ones I just got at menards this spring into the whiskey barrel. I ran out of cat litter to repot it with so just left it in its original container and moved it into the whiskey barrel.
In the pond I repotted the water lily that was in the whiskey barrel. It was in all pea gravel, but to lighten the load so I could hand lower it from the side of the deck I used cat litter like a lot of people do and then dressed it with an inch or so of pea gravel over the top. I put two of the water lilies from menards into one of the new pots. I put the parrots feather into a larger pot to see if it will root out and spread, guessing it will. I also put my hornwart into a smaller pot.
On the shelf I had two water lilies, one went into the whiskey barrel, the other I repotted into a new pot.
Here is the hornwort
the Red stemmed Parrots Feather
The two water lilies. The one from the whiskey barrel is in the pot on the left. The pot on the right has the 2 water lilies that were in this location in the pots menards sold them in
At the top I thought I might have had some seapage and the only part I could find was where the 2" Flex PVC entered the pool. It was fine before i raised the water level. After I believe it was wicking/weaping out. So I trimmed some of the liner and was able to adjust and raise the pipe up and backfill with pea gravel and clay. Haven't had a chance to test it out after, had to leave for work, but will check it out tomorrow.

Then I will replace the rocks. Was losing and inch a day and think the majority is from the waterfalls running, but figure some was leaking out this way.
And since its the bottom of the post, the first thing I thought of with the clouds, was an oriental dragon. You can see the head right here:
This one has the forearm in it and the next shows what would be the trunk of the body:

I've had 2 of these tattooed on my body for over a decade, so was easy and cool for me to spot.