JW, there is a spray that is called "Deer Away" that you only have to spray about once a month on plants you don't want the deer to eat . It works really well. If you've ever tried to grow pine trees on the edge of woods, only to have them all chewed off year after year, you would understand how this stuff works wonders! It would keep your hostas safe, and let the deer come into your yard, too. Then you can stick your tongue out at them when they take a nibble and spit it out. LOL But, as Colleen says, deer have to eat, too.
A friend once took me through a subdivision, built on the edge of a lake, other side of the road from the lake lots. Beautiful landscaped yards, and he said that all the people hate the deer. There were a dozen or so in most of the yards! I said I thought they were so cool, and then he told me how they devour the plants and flowers and bushes, so I can sure understand why the homeowners would not like them very well.