So here is a homemade Oriole feeder I made, I saw one a few times on the fence for just a second and hope now with this out and some jelly in it, maybe it will return.
Here are some better pics of the fish in the stream, this time they didn't imediately take off when they saw me.

Even the fry are getting in on the act

Hoping some of the bigger ones start to thin the herd or it could get interesting every year. Really haven't tried feeding them in a long time so hoping they get hungry soon.

sorry little guys, just not enough room for all of you
And I think my blue alberta spruces that I garbage picked were sitting in the sun too long (or I never watered enough early on), one died and I yanked it out.
I had the idea to burn it in the firepit and then put the charred tree back in place to look like after a forest fire, but forgot about the little branches being perfect kindling and it didn't work out as I envisioned. So I put something else there and after I add some plants around it, will post those as well. Oh and JW I didn't forget about what I added with that extra pump, will put some pics up of it soon.