I like the flip flops with the fabric between the toes, too, JW. I can't handle the rubber or plastic that is thinner as it cuts my toes, too. I used to go barefoot all the time, but when my feet got so rough that they felt like sand paper, I figured it was time to wear shoes. And, stepping on a bee helped convince me to wear something, too. My flip flops are fine for digging, but my dirt is not super hard to dig in. When I dug my pond, I always wore tennis shoes, that was more than sandals could handle. Plus, I've never seen so much junk in a yard than my place. The former owners must have burned their trash, and when the house was built, that area spread around the yard or something. Or, they just tossed things into the yard. Each time I have dug a pond, there have been lots of pieces of metal, horse shoes, pieces of farm machinery, you name it, it was in that hole! And, tons of glass and old rusty nails, too. Not fun things to step on with bare feet.