I sincerely hope that you are right, but already there are indications that, sadly, you are dead wrong.
Would you care to share some of these indications and the source of them?
Two days after the election Russia and Syria want to have peace talks with us. Prior to this election Russian aircraft were buzzing our planes naval warships in an open display of disrespect because they knew Obama was too weak to respond. His "red line" was blatantly ignored.
The Dow just closed at an all time high as investors embrace a Trump presidency according to CNBC of all sources.
Mexico and Canada suddenly announced that they are willing to renegotiate the NAFTA trade agreement.
In 1993, the last year before the North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect, the United States ran a $1,663,300,000 merchandise trade surplus with Mexico,
according to the trade data published by the U.S. Census Bureau.
In 2015, the last full year on record, the U.S. ran a merchandise trade
deficit with Mexico of $60,662,800,000.
Trade with Canada was $575.5 billion with a 2.2 billion dollar deficit in 2015
On the other hand, we could have elected a pathological liar who was and still is under investigation by the FBI and just saw how that went. I mean she is worth untold millions of dollars, how did that happen as public servant? Old Bill sure has sharp eyes, he just happened to spot and recognize Loretta Lynch's private plane at an airport just in time to talk grandkids and golf right before Hillary's investigation, right?
Hillary will not be charged now because Obama can and will pardon her but the book has not closed on this crook. I would imagine that a lot of people will be willing to cut deals to keep from doing time for her crimes. She may be slimy, but there are just too many loose ends with the Clinton Foundation to cover them all.