This takes a long time to watch and even more to absorb but well worth it. Maybe the Illuminati conspiracy isn't so far off. Especially seeing the quote at the end from David Rockefeller.
Right, and it's also easy to see why banks keep trying to get people to sign up for more and more credit cards.
The more "promises" the banks can get from people, the more "money" they have available to loan out.
The people that know how the debt system works will take advantage of it while the banks don't really care if the credit cards are paid back or not because the credit card agreement you signed now gives the bank the right to go after your assets (or you'll feel a moral obligation to pay them back anyway), at bargain basement prices where the people at the top of the financial system can then come in and buy them up.
In order for our financial system of debt to work people and countries have to go bankrupt.
It's easy to see then how there is a growing disparity between the rich who know how the financial system works and the poor who don't.
Not good.
It's also easy to imagine where our economies would be without debt. We would be back in the stone age trading goats and chickens, not getting anywhere.
So in that case, debt is a good thing. Quite the dilemma, except we are now approaching the point where whole countries are going to have to start declaring bankruptcy. That will lead to changes towards more extreme governments and living through the consequences of their decisions.