Yeah, im pretty sure it finished its life portion of the circle of life.
Not sure if I mentioned here about my mom bringing me two feral kittens. Well, they’re very not feral now. As in, currently on my lap demanding my attention. This is week 2 just ending with them. That’s the easy part when they’re this young, I’m guessing them to be about 6 weeks old now. So the little black one ( named her coffee) gets very concerned now that she knows water running in the bathroom means someone is risking their life to get in that scary stuff, and she informed me of all the hazards as I took a quick shower last night. Very vocal about making sure I was ok. I think it’s cute, but I understand why it worries her. Her mom and aunt lived under my mom’s house, but the two fought. So they ended up outside in the garden during a rainstorm, and that’s where my mom found them, and since they were soaked, skinny, mom had run off, she took them inside. Unfortunately, her gsd hates cats, and killed a sibling before she could bring them to me. So big trauma their. Their mom was recently killed, so I’m glad they’re with me now