Been not too bad outside. Didn't have pond heater on last night and pond still flowing nicely under the ice. Good thing it is mild winter cause I think if it gets down to below minus 30 Celsius I might have to use two 1500 watt heaters noe that pond holds much more water volume with big née upper pond.
I have been working extra hard at larger grocery chain where I have been for 10 years now. I work the later afternoon and evening shifts these days and we have tons of new syrian refugees shopping and they all clean the store late at night. I am getting scared of some of them cause they are just giving me a bad feeling. Many are not friendly and there seems to be more single young men than families. The other night a family came to get a special box of Pita bread but I was all out. So I told them I would order box. They had a couple kids with them and so I tried to be nice and offered them a cookie. They asked if our cookies had any "pork" and I said no pork, cookies made with all vegetable oil. So they took the cookies and five minutes later the father cane bacK with two other Syrian men. The father was pissed off and really mad. Sweat was on his forehead and he started freaking out on me and yelling with his finger shaking at me "We no eat pork" and "you told me no pork was in cookies "! I said there is no pork and read the ingredients to them over and over. They he asked me about gluten. I said there is gluten cause cookies are made from wheat and gluten comes from wheat. For some reason he thought gluten was from pork and I had to calm this near crazed syrian man down for 25 minutes explaining all about gluten as best as I could to this man who could speak very little English. His two Syrian pals looked mean and mad too.
Sick of these refugees. I am sorry but they are freaking me out these days.