Tbendl, did you ever work in the heat to the point of almost heatstroke? I had a neighbor many years ago tell me her doctor said if you are ever to the point of heatstroke, that will make your ears very sensitive to the wind and cold. She wore a stocking cap almost year round, especially when it was windy, even if it was warm. I, too, have sensitive ears, but not that bad. I've always asked people when they can relate to the need for covered ears, and seems almost every one of them at one time or another worked too long and hard in the heat of the summer. I just wonder if that may be the case?! I scuba dive, too, but not nearly as much as I'm sure you have/do. That never seemed to bother my ears, but I'm really careful to equalize in the beginning of a dive. Nothing worse than not equalizing, and continuing with a dive! OUCH!!!