Same here, Blessed. Rained last Thurs, but not hardly enough to even register in the rain gauge. I have 3 wells on my property, but IF they were to all go dry, I would be SOL, would have to buy a water tank, and haul it here, or have it hauled here and pay to fill up my well. With gas prices so high, and my truck sucks on gas mileage (about 14 mpg), that would cost more than it was worth ... wait, water is a precious commodity, so it would be worth it, I guess. I've been told (by previous owners, who lived here all their life, and they are in their mid 40's) that there is no worry about the wells, they will never go dry. Well, I pumped the well that waters my horses' trough dry, but it's not very deep. Never have pumped house well dry, though, and there are 2 wells connected to the house, not sure if they are both always connected, or just one and then the other. Never have figured that out. Bottom line, the ponds were built with the knowledge that I won't have to worry about water needed. And, besides the pump, it's free. The neighbors around me opted out of the "city water" that ran lines in the area a few years before I bought my house, saying they didn't need it. I sure hope they continue to be right!
Evidently, they used to fill sprayer tanks for the farmed fields with my main well, so it should be good for a long time, as long as things don't shift underground. My well is about 53' and 3' wide, it's known as a "shallow well". The "deep wells" are usually about 12" in diameter and deeper than 100'. Around here, that type of deep well typically bring with it lots of gases and smells. I'm glad to have a shallow well.
We all need to learn a rain dance, my Indiana and other close neighbors! This is getting dangerous, the lack of rain.
I just heard my neighbor say that by Thursday, it's supposed to be 100 here! Yikes, we are in Illinois, not Arizona! What's going on here???? I hope this is not a pattern, but so far we are following the same weather pattern as last summer, HOT HOT HOT in June already, when usually no 90's until mid July and then all of August. Not liking this at all!