Lou, when I was a kid, my mom made special nets for us to catch lightening bugs! We would go out at night, a block away was a line of trees, they would swarm out of there. We would catch them, put them in a jar, and then into the freezer. Mom got a special container to mail them to some lab that used them for research. I have no idea how much money we made, maybe a quarter or so, but it was fun.
I spotted several goldfish yesterday, all of which looked perfectly fine. Even saw the pure white one, and one of the white with red nosed ones, both of which were laying on their side just a couple of months ago, so I'm hopeful spring will emerge with all healthy fish in that pond.
In the meantime, with the 50 degree drop in temps last night (got down to 4 around 3 a.m. ), this is what my ponds look like this morning. Thank goodness I left the heaters plugged in, but stupid me was trying to see the koi, so I shut off the air bubbler, so that's why the koi pond is such a small hole. And, it was somewhat frozen up when I plugged it in this morning, so poured some warm water on the lines, moved them around a bit, and voila, it started up again. It will hopefully get a little larger today, since the sun is shining nicely. I love how the koi pond has a patchwork design this morning! Nature is a wondrous thing. :blueflower:
Thanks all for comments on my sunset photos. I feel like my place is a gift in that regard. No, I don't have woods and trees and houses surrounding me, but I do have sunrises and sunsets galore! Nothing between me and them, which makes for some amazing photos. And, if I try to beat one home, see a beautiful one and am only 2 miles from home, they are usually past prime in that 2 minutes it takes for me to arrive, grab camera, and run back outside. It's fun when I'm here to take the pics.