I cannot believe you have not let us see your precious Puddles yet, Sissy!!! I can't wait. And he needs to be cuddles? Imagine that! I get Pee Wee is one jealous young man right about now.
I'm sitting here, windows and doors open, listening to a toad that has been singing all evening. So far, just one in the yard, another one a little ways away, maybe getting closer. Bullfrogs are croaking on the farm pond. Not hearing or seeing any on my ponds lately. I think they are out and about during the day, but maybe the wind is more than they care for. Or, they have gone elsewhere to lay eggs, then will be back later on. Funny, as earlier this year, there were 10 of them at the same time in the 2 ponds, now none. Was just one in the goldfish pond, but he's been AWOL for the last week or so.
Got up to 85 today, got my garden tilled and opened up, rain predicted for tomorrow, so will have to wait after that for it to dry good to try to till it deeper. Rain will wash the dirt off of the grass I broke up, so that will help. Pretty wet yet, but farmers are hitting the fields around here since yesterday morning.