I used to make lots of water bombs, swam in the river, played alone for hours with little simple things, like green catipillers, and made fresh homemade muck pies! I rode my bike everywhere. Life was good, but there were dangers everywhere... One time when I was very young some guy in a big blue van tried to give me a ride, repeatly, flollowed me around the block and home from school one day. I never jumped in his van and NEVER got no where near him, THANK GOD! Weridos were everywhere back then too, but now I think it is worse thanks to child porn and other bad stuff.
We are living in the age of dissension. We are slowly descending into chaos. All civilations in recorded history have gone the periods of ascension and dissension. In 1930 we were going through a period of ascension. More people could read and write, and were better educated as a "whole", then today! We dressed better, we spoke better, and more people were self sufficient in 1930 then they are today. We grew more vegetable gardens, fed ourselves better off the land, and everybody had their own root cellar for vegetable storage. Family was First and for most back then, and and marriage was " till death do us part"!
Today less people can read and write than in 1930! Today it is all about drugs, sex and alcohol.... and we dress like it as well!!!
The last days of the mightly Roman Empire was very much the same, before they fell to the Mongols hourds!!! Wake up people, before it is too late, or we will also be conquered by Maximus Horribellis! (Today's version of Genghis Khan!)