What is your weather like ... today


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
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United States
I bought a sleep number for my first hubby, still using it. Love being able to adjust the hardness/softness of the bed with a push of a button.

Raining liquid gold, pond getting a great water change, ground getting a great soaking, fish are chasing
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
j.w said:
Got up early and stacked a truck load of wood into the new wood shed all by my lonesome as hubby had an eye checkup today.
When you finish there, do you want to come do mine too??? Still have two more 10 wheeler loads sitting on the far side of the greenhouse that havent made it to the backyard yet ... The deal here is the guys split it, and I stack it in the greenhouse...


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Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
HTH said:
We purchased a hi tech foam bed a few years ago. I screwed up both knees and was stuck in bed for some months. It was a very good sleep up to about a year ago now it just hurts. I think the extended bed stay was hard on it. I am switching to an air bed that monitors the air pressure and tops it off as needed while you sleep. The first one leaked so we are in the processor reinforcing the replacement with beads of silicone seal over the seams.
We have a memory foam mattress, and I still love it BUT, I dont weigh much. Doesnt matter if you rotate and flip the damn things, they break down, I dont care what the sales reps say. Any person with normal weight is likely to be unhappy with it after a year or two. Hubby now hates it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
addy1 said:
I bought a sleep number for my first hubby, still using it. Love being able to adjust the hardness/softness of the bed with a push of a button.
I was looking at these, but I take over the middle half of the bed ... not sure how well I'd like sleeping on a hard and a soft side at the same time:-(
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Cape, LOL, where does your poor hubby sleep if you take up the middle? I was picturing that .... :boldblue:
I've had my memory foam, it's a Serta, middle price range, and it's not broke down at all! I thought it was a little too firm after I got it (the softer ones were more expensive), so I bought a 2" memory foam pad to put on top of it, and then topped that off with a quilted mattress pad. LOL OK, I know, what kind of bed do I REALLY have??? Well, it seems to work, although I do have nights (more often when I'm working in the yard, but it's the price I pay for my FUN!) when I have to take Tylenol or Alleve to not have pain. It's pretty much just a nagging pain in my right shoulder, and I'm right handed, so I can only assume it's arthritis.
Pulling cattails out is hard on my shoulder ..... but I know that people are going to love them when they get them! :blueflower:


Jul 21, 2008
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st. mary's county, md.
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United States
Have a sleep number bed & love it. So do the cats! Been raining here for 2 days now. Bathroom remodel started today. We were told 7-10 days for them to get it done. Bath gutted in o ne hour and at hour 9, floor tiles almost done. They say they will finish tomorrow. I hope so, only have a small half bath in the basement and it doesn't get used. Will still have to paint and patch walls and maybe put up some tile over the tube- will see. So far, impressed with the contractor. 4th one in the last year and have lucked out on every one.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Wow, Mrs. Clem, nothing better than a contractor telling you 7-10 days, and finishing in 2! Unless of course he is charging you for 7-10 days .... LOL Sounds like you will be happy no matter what with your new bathroom. Good thing to do during inclement weather outside, too.
It rained here for 5 days in a row, so was nice to have no rain today and tomorrow. I mowed tonight, should have waited another day, but the grass was soooo tall! Probably cut off 6", and it's still tall, had to move mower deck back up 2 more notches. I may never get the deck back down to my normal mowing height this spring. I always mow high, never liked to scalp the lawn, so now it's REALLY mowed high. Will have to mow again by weekend, but they are calling for rain Thurs. and Fri. ... again. :banghead3:


Jun 10, 2011
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Oklahoma Panhandle USA
CountryEscape said:
HTH, I, too, thought it was my bed, my shoulders would be sore, or my arms ... bought a memory foam, it seemed great for a while, then the shoulders and arms started hurting again. I think it's just arthritis, and all beds are going to be similar.
I understand what you are saying but my wife tired to sleep on my side and agrees that it has gone south.
It was very comfortable the first year or two.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
CountryEscape said:
Cape, LOL, where does your poor hubby sleep if you take up the middle? I was picturing that .... :boldblue:
I only take up a bit of room LOL ... Hubby used to complain about only having about 6" of bed (BTW, it's a king sized bed LOL) ... I used to tell him to just get up, and take over my side ... problem is when he actually did that, I'd roll over and go back to my side (to where he was LOL) ... NOW if I am really being obnoxious and taking all of the bed, he'll just push me back to the MIDDLE ... I weigh 125, he's 230 ... no effort on his part LMAO. He was just reading the conversation and says the REAL reason HIS side is broken down is because it has HIS weight PLUS mine hehehe.... It's only been 25 years, I'm getting better ... well except for the part that I still have my side of the electric blanket on, and when I get hot, not only do I throw ALL of the blankets on him, I then end up on him too .... oooppppssss....

CountryEscape said:
I've had my memory foam, it's a Serta, middle price range,
This is exactly what we have! We bought 3 of them at the same time (other kid got a mega pillow top) .. two of the kids have them as well (theirs are queens) and all three of them are very different, even tho they were the same sets.

CountryEscape said:
Well, it seems to work, although I do have nights (more often when I'm working in the yard, but it's the price I pay for my FUN!) when I have to take Tylenol or Alleve to not have pain. It's pretty much just a nagging pain in my right shoulder, and I'm right handed, so I can only assume it's arthritis.
I find that it helps my shoulders. Went 2 rounds with frozen shoulder, first one, then the other .. I opted to allow them to heal naturally, refused the surgery, and they have. I have all the mobility back in both now, but still having some weakness issues. Even a little raking will have the more recently healed shoulder on fire. I happen to sleep on that side, and the way the mattress cushions it is really restful. To my shoulder, it is ALMOST as good as soaking in the hot tub.

CountryEscape said:
Pulling cattails out is hard on my shoulder ..... but I know that people are going to love them when they get them! :blueflower:
Maybe not the pulling them for others, as you KNOW you would be pulling them anyways, so it must be all the packaging:) I definately appreciate your packaging effort:) BTW, 2 more of YOUR lilies broke surface today too:)


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
I talked to lots of people who have sore arms and shoulders from sleeping on one side too much, and it is just old age setting in too. My pond looks so good and everything slowly getting down .... maybe if I drink from the pond were Poppy drinks, then maybe I won't age, seems to work good for my Poppy!
Oct 14, 2011
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Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska
Let me tell you about the weather.

When I was a kid, fourth grade in elementary school, the sky was more blue, the sun was more golden and the fish were much bigger. The snow was warmer, icicles were clearer and everything in life was better. No one took kids away from their homes, no one stole milk money from their peers. The world was blue and green and clean. We waded out into cool, clear rivers and we smiled at one another. We swam without lifeguards in lakes, not pools. We studied math and science and wrote in cursive. We didn't have dungeons and dragons except in our dreams and under our beds. Lead paint didn't kill us, our parents were married all their lives! We fell off tricycles and bicycles and skinned our knees and we got back up the next morning and did it all over again. We got beat up by bullies, yet we walked to school alone every day and got beat up in the afternoon, until we had enough and we beat up the bullies. They didn't send us or them to jail, we just became friends and made it through life that way. We appreciated life, we thought that this was the way it all unfolded. We went about our lives and we learned from our mistakes, we didn't have psychologists come to school to assist us with emotional trauma because of some nut with a gun, we carried guns to school in our trucks and cars and we went out and hunted with our buddies after class. Our teachers were our friends and our mentors and we spent time at their homes and they at ours. We knew everyone in our neighborhood and we visited them as kids. We ate cookies at the home of the little old couple's house down the block. We rode bikes through their yard and got whipped by our parents for doing so becuase it wasn't right. We went off to high school and learned much knowledge. We went off to war and learned what freedom really meant. We drank beer and whiskey and found ourselves silly. We got married and learned how difficult it was to deal with someone so close. We had children and found that we could never part with them or our spouses. We found ourselves facing a mirror with the reflection of our Fathers and Mothers. We came full circle and today.... We find.... It is raining and chilly. Snowing and freezing.... Or should we find it warm, sunny, happy and hopeful and back to the innocence of fourth grade? Is the sky still blue? Is the sun still bright yellow? Does your heart not still beat strong with passion for life?


:) Gordy


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
That was then and now kids are being raised by kids or they are being raised for a paycheck to buy drugs and drink .They become neglected and abused and just carry on that history .When we were kids our parents cared and gave us a good home and morals and rules to live by .Teachers were not scared of the children they taught .When you went to the principals office you were shacking in your shoes and not giving him the middle finger and cursing at him .You did not make bombs in your garage and only bombs you knew of were balloon water bombs .


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Gray and cool today and I should be off to my hard labor w the wood. Hubby already left and now I will have to walk over there to catch up w/ him. Forgot to take pix. Oh well,brain is tired too. Sun will be coming back after noon so need to get busy now while it's not warm.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
I used to make lots of water bombs, swam in the river, played alone for hours with little simple things, like green catipillers, and made fresh homemade muck pies! I rode my bike everywhere. Life was good, but there were dangers everywhere... One time when I was very young some guy in a big blue van tried to give me a ride, repeatly, flollowed me around the block and home from school one day. I never jumped in his van and NEVER got no where near him, THANK GOD! Weridos were everywhere back then too, but now I think it is worse thanks to child porn and other bad stuff.

We are living in the age of dissension. We are slowly descending into chaos. All civilations in recorded history have gone the periods of ascension and dissension. In 1930 we were going through a period of ascension. More people could read and write, and were better educated as a "whole", then today! We dressed better, we spoke better, and more people were self sufficient in 1930 then they are today. We grew more vegetable gardens, fed ourselves better off the land, and everybody had their own root cellar for vegetable storage. Family was First and for most back then, and and marriage was " till death do us part"!

Today less people can read and write than in 1930! Today it is all about drugs, sex and alcohol.... and we dress like it as well!!!
The last days of the mightly Roman Empire was very much the same, before they fell to the Mongols hourds!!! Wake up people, before it is too late, or we will also be conquered by Maximus Horribellis! (Today's version of Genghis Khan!)

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