This kind of weather has everyone posting about the craziness of it! We are all in the same boat, it seems. One day it's 60, the next day it's 20 at night. Rain, then snow, then back to rain. Wind, no wind, earthquakes ... well I don't have the earthquakes by me in south central Illinois, thank goodness! But, I think Mother Nature needs to get back on her meds or something. LOL I was every so thankful for the good rain I had about a week ago. Needed it badly! I had my pasture pond dug out last fall, since we had such a dry summer, and I've been waiting for it to fill up. Well, that last rain just about filled it. The guy made a nice fanned back ditch so water from the barn will go to the pond, but the rain came down so hard that it actually washed the ditch away at the bottom, cutting a patch about 10" deep! I'll have to get that smoothed out and then seeded when the ground gets dryer. I'll probably toss some seeds on it soon, since the horses are not on the pasture yet. Not sure how to keep them off of the ditch until it an get solid and some good roots of grass growing! Maybe I should plant ;something they don't like to eat. LOL Funny, but in spring and summer, they won't touch clover. The only time they eat it is in the late fall after a frost. Weird, I know!
Supposed to be cloudy here tonight all the way through tomorrow, so no Super Blood Lunar Eclipse for me ... and darn it, it was going to happen right at dawn, after my normal time to get up! Oh well, maybe next time.