Addy, I always had problems with bugs that would lay eggs, then eggs became worms in the corn. The stink bugs will do that, Japanese beetles, too. When the corn pollinates, there are hundreds if not millions of bees. If you are in the garden when corn is pollinating, you will understand. It only happens for maybe a day or two, but the buzzing is loud! That is necessary to make the ears. But, when the ears get silks, BEFORE the silks start turning brown, go with a hand sprayer and liquid Sevin mixed up for corn, and spray the tops of the corn cobs, the silks. This will keep the bugs from laying eggs, and your corn will have no worms in it. You can spray from the outside and go to the next row or even 2 if you're really good and set your sprayer to do a stream rather than wide spray. I've done that for years and had the only corn with no worms in the township. Well, that was when I could grow corn to begin with!
Just looked for our weather for tomorrow, since they are still saying severe. Looks like just about a 3 hour window, from about 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Says strong storms, but the winds are only around 13 mph, so it's not wind, just going to be heavy rain I suspect. There goes my idea of spreading pasture mix seed this weekend. Darn it! I should have taken off today to get it done. Been so windy have not been able to do it yet. Oh well, there will be another day. Hopefully they are not talking many inches of rain. Oh, just looked at the details, strong thunderstorms, damaging winds, large hail, possible tornadoes. YUCK! Maybe I will tell them to keep my car inside and work on it all day tomorrow. LOL Thinking the tranny is crapping out ... at 100,000 miles I guess I can't complain too much. Hopefully only needs fluid and new filter.