It's hard on the loved ones family when they get sick, the stress can really take its toll. I felt drained too, from all the stress and emotional overload can be very very exhausting. I finally took time to "breathe" today, and yesterday, got tomorrow off too, might run up and see hubby tomorrow, sounds like he will be still in there for a couple more days, should know more tomorrow. Even Poppy seems stressed when I'm stressed, poor puppies, they look out the window and see "Daddy's" car and wonder where he is! When I brought the bag of dirty clothes home from the hospital, the puppies had to sniffed the bag!
Then it does not help that winter seems just around the corner, wind seems to chill me to chill me to the bone, frost in the air every morning now, supposed to reach a "high" of plus 11c or around 50 degrees f. Then of course that "high" does not last long, cause before you know it, the sun is gone and your freezing again....