We are supposed to get rain every day for the next 7 days. Rained last night, but less than .1", so that didn't add up to much. We, too, have had perfect amounts of rain this summer. I water my hanging baskets every day unless get .5" or more, but that's normal. But, the grass has to be mowed every 5 days at least or it looks like it needs to be baled. LOL
Lots of flooding. Our IL State Fair had flooding, WI State Fair (my sisters are all up there) also had flooding this week. But, rain for a week in August? Yep, I'll take it! I love green grass, and always hate it when I mow in August or even July and the dust and crap blows into my face because it's usually so dry.
Found where both of my ponds were leaking and remedied the issues. Koi pond bog has my major mistake - didn't leave enough liner on the edge. Over time, the liner has "sunk" besides, so now I have to be watchful or the water goes over the edge. Opened up the overflow areas to lower the level, and that fixed that mess. The goldfish pond was also losing water, so removed all the "overflowing" plants on the back side of the bog, and evidently since they were hanging over the edge, they were siphoning water along with them. That pond is holding water again, too. Whew, because I noticed an 1.5" hole right next to the goldfish pond, so worried something that dug into the ground may have also pierced my liner. I'm thinking it's a snake. Wish I had a trail camera to watch it and see what it really is! I have no woods/trees close by (within 1.5 mile in every direction), so no chipmunks, squirrels, etc. I've had huge water snakes in that pond, so guessing one has taken up residency in this hole. BUT, they don't dig the holes, do they? What could have dug that large of a hole/tunnel?