Caught up ... well read a few pages on this post. Sorry, been AWOL for a while, but will try to stay more current!
JW, love the windmill! Did your hubby build it from scratch, I guess? If so, he is VERY talented! I had one little smaller than that one, and didn't anchor it well enough, and it kept blowing over until finally broke the windmill part. Then got a bigger really nice tower (although it's only about 12' tall) that is VERY sturdy, but the windmill part broke at the post where it was attached, so now the fins are broken, too. Grrr .... One of these years I'm going to fork out the money for a REAL Aermotor windmill, the old fashioned type. I'd even love to have one that would pump air into my pond in the pasture on a windy day.
Addy, glad that horrible storm missed your house, although like you said, you are in a flood free zone. Nothing worse than having all your rocks and mulch and plants go flooding down your hill, though.
I've had unusual amounts of rain this summer, too. Was VERY hot in June, about 3 weeks of 90's, which sucked, because we missed the 70's we should have had. Then little cooler in July, just 80's. Now into 80-90's, which is normal for August, but getting rains on a regular basis, like every week or so or more! Never seen the ditches with running water so much in late July, early August. I love it, though, and as Colleen said, it's great to have lush green grass and landscaping! The mosquitos love it, too, though. Yuck! Hate to have to spray to just walk around the flowers in the evening after work.
Hope everyone stays safe from any pending storms now and in the future!