Got down to I think 7 here this morning, but loving the sunshine! Come here, Colleen! Bright sushine today, but man it's cold! At least the wind finally layed early this morning, as it was blowing like a banshee all night long. I have a very large wind chime, and going to put my weather station up today, so I know exactly what wind speed makes the big chimes ring. I'm guessing more than 15 mph, maybe more like 20, but we shall see. I've had the station for 6 months, got it on clearance, just never put it up. Thinking on my deck might miss some of the NW winds, so thinking of putting it on my windmill tower, make a platform out of 2x4's. I know it has to be very solid and sturdy, so we shall see. Probably won't do it today, still only 10 degrees, -6 wind chill. I don't want it up THAT bad!
No open water this morning, all totally frozen over, but I can hear water running in 3 places.