Today, before and after:
Major wind last night and all day today. I had a fantastic walk/run last night from 11pm-midnight with the storm rolling in. It was just fantastic out, light warm mist, about 70 degrees - I didn't want to come in but 3 miles over 45 minutes with 301 feet of elevation change (it's Vermont, lol) is about all I'm fit to do these days no matter how nice it is outside. Today I woke up when the power went out and back on and made the microwave beep, and it was definately a cold front rolling in, as it's 45 now, but the water in the pond is nice and toasty. I decided to cover it to prevent some of this leaf problem and hold in the temperature a bit, so I threw an old storm window over it. Now just hoping no branches come down and break the glass into the pond.

It's mostly leaves and the occasional acorn. I've not taken a single branch out of it yet, so it'll probably be fine. Acorns are hopefully all down now too.