Well this was the first time we could get the covers off totally today as for once it has been up to 13c , however the covers will have to go back on at night so we have had a chance to take an in-depth look at what we have in the pond that has survived we have a a small Douitsu Goromo , a small Sanke , a small Kujaku and the oldest and largest koi is a mid sized Koromo .
All are in good condition apart from the Douitsu who has a bit of Koi pox but is otherwise in good condition, all are eager eaters, all are swimming individually and are not huddled together on the bottom of the pond.
So as such I can say that no parasites in the pond and no gram negative bacteria, so you could say that all is well with the remaining koi, water tests show all water the perameter's as normal
i still think the changes made caused the deaths of the rest of the koi and my best bet is we super chilled the pond with the changes we made last year .
@Mucky_Waters we have a set of four footings which are concreted flag stones on which to put the base of the shed on so it will be built on strong and very level footings , all the waste water pipes running from the four filters presently in place is going to be reconfigured and connected back to the burried section of pipe leading down to our drain .
No window eh noted but i did want one so I could peak out and watch the koi un - observed and to stop condensation have a square of insulation that would sit perfectly over the window when not in use (do you think that would work) to stop condensation or is it still a bad idea ?
None of the filters will be open to the air as they all have lids which will only come off during my maintenance periods the main one being the easy pod then the small vortex and bay filter followed by the Oase 15000 which will polish any water through it .
Both the Easy pod and the oase will have UV-C's or could I just use the Evolution Aqua 55 watt UV-C connected in line after the Easy Pod ?
I'm glad that the insulation does a double job (cold out in winter , heat out in the summer)., it being 6ft x 8ft gives me allot of room to play with inside so I plan a work station for my other microscope net storage etc plus room to inspect any koi I've put under to scrape or do minor surgery on .
Where do you put the beer pump bro

I mean after all it will also double as a man cave

As to the 800 watt Oil heated radiator we did trial of it in the existing filter housing and it did raise the temperature by a couple of degree's however the base became covered by an ants nest ( I suppose they liked the warmth so they took it over ) after all we did dig up then seal in their nest under concrete when Jeff removed the 5 tons of soil rocks etc

Now may i please ask what style of insulation you used inside the shed , we were planning to use the silver sided insulation so if you know of anything better pray say ?
i do have an Oase water fall and aquatic plant garden which like you we could switch over to the under water pipe which is situated 2 ft underwater , or have on the water fall during the summer months, it was part of the setup when I bought it and thrown in as a bit of a free bee, I've never used one before but it should help and also add a tad more greenery around the pond.
Would you say we have most of the main points covered or is there more to think through ? .
Dave 54