The pond dig has begun!

Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Walked outside after work and spotted the mama barn swallow had brought her babies to the electric wire that goes to my house, right above the deck! Remember, I have a one-story house, so that's not far above me! When I walked out right under them, they called to Mom, and she flew by, so I talked to her like I always do, the babies stayed put. Got a pic of one of them, but the sun was going down, so it's kinda dark. You can tell the babies because their tail feathers are not very long yet. They just watched me walking around the ponds, never did fly away.
Baby barn swallow right above my deck.JPG
The elephant ear from T'mann is growing really well! It's going to pass up the ones I brought inside for the winter, I believe. First pic is from T'Mann, the second pic is in a pot on the deck, bulbs I brought in for the winter.
Elephant ear from T'Mann.JPGTaro or elephant ear from last year.JPG
Here are the green/white and pink/green caladium that I grew from bulbs this winter/spring. I started them I think in late February. They take a LONGGGG time to sprout, so next year I'll get them going in January.
Green and white caladium.JPGPink and white caladium.JPG
A few of the lotus I grew from seed are growing, but pretty sad looking. Going to pot them up and toss them into the pond and see if they survive. Maybe put them in the goldfish pond, as they don't tend to bother the potted plants.
Lotus look pretty sad, but growing!.JPG


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Neat on having the little birdies to watch. I like the Caladium's as they have such a pretty variety of colors and patterns.
Hope you get your lotus to grow for you. I can't grow them here but think they are just lovely.
The raccoons tried to eat my Taro one year but I foiled them w/ little boards w/ the spikes around the bottom of the pot.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
CountryEscape said:
Took a pic this morning of the varigated cattails getting ready to "bloom".
You need to post more pics when they "bloom" .. I am loving just the variegated leaves, I wasnt even thinking of the cool blooms they have LOL.

CountryEscape said:
I'm unhappy that what I believed were "dwarf" cattails, are now being sold as "varigated" cattails. They are about 4' tall, and the cattail looks to be the same size as a regular cattail, about 5-6" long. Last year I had only one cattail, and it was small, 3-4" long, what I remembered the initial pic being when I bought them. Oh well, they are still not solid green like wild ones, I guess.
At 4' I would still call them a dwarf ... the wild ones we have here growing in the marshes are every bit of 8' tall ... Our biggest ones you sent from the first group are already at 3' and loving them. They are one of my new favorite plants! One of the new iris plants we grabbed are nearly as tall, with the same variegated color ... going to look awsome side by side.

CountryEscape said:
This frog was hiding in the bog of the koi pond. He's pretty friendly, not easily scared away. He probably thinks I don't see him.

CountryEscape said:
Red stemmed parrots feather from Cape is doing super!
That's growing well. Glad I sent the mature rooted stems. Maybe you'll have better luck with starts this way. I still havent touched the kiddie pool, which is just going crazy at this point. I cant kill them LOL. Let me know if you need more.

CountryEscape said:
And, look out those of you that got water clover and water parsley from me! This is what it becomes the second year!
Water clover taking over bog.JPG
Water parsley going wild.JPG
Cant wait!!!


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
CE your bog and catttails look really good, and I especially love the blue heron bird you have hiding in the tall reeds. I also really like taros, but found they grow way too slow up north here outside. It took forever to get a new leaf and then slightest wind would damage them bad.... seems I never had much luck growing taros outside, but they did really well in a greenhouse.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
The other elephant ears or taros that I brought inside for the winter, didn't grow much, and now are looking good, probably the pot is too big, the roots are heading to the bottom, putting all effort toward roots. I didn't think to put a pot in the pot, to minimize the area for their growth. Oh well, they are living. The little black taro I put by the wall because of the wind, but they sure don't grow very fast. I agree, probably too windy here and not warm long enough of a season.
Cape, you are a glutton for punishment! Enjoy the plants!!!
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
Love the taro plants but so done with plants that need to come in .... having a blast watching the plants you sent grow. Need to take more lily pics for you, all three colors have bloomed. The fish are loving the clover, literally .., Finally have some starting between rocks and onto the water, or at least til they spot what they can reach, and then it's gone LOL. I also noticed yesterday that one little sprig of water parsley was starting to creep out of the rocks towards the water ... they ate that this morning LOL. If anyone says my fish are getting fat, I am going to blame you ;-)
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
Well the good news is since they are eating those, they have backed off on the water cress, which happens to be looking mighty sad ... it has bloomed and gone all leggy ... I need to go CHOP it back, so that it tightens up again.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Hot hot hot here. Been in the 90's the last couple of days, and going to be 90's for the next few at least. Welcome to Summer!!! I'm heading to my deck with a nice glass of wine or two, and just relax, walk around, water the flowers, talk to my fish and turtle and frogs, and just enjoy the evening. No need to do anything strenuous, just work up a soaking sweat. LOL Tomorrow a.m., find things to do outside, then inside for the afternoon in the AC!
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Koi pond was about 4" low again, so went searching for a leak, praying it was something easy, and it WAS!!! Geesh, once again, rocks on the side of the waterfall had moved, and the water was seeping over the edge. So many irises, etc. on the outside edge there that I didn't notice the extra water. So, got that moved temporarily last night, filled the pond, and this morning all still up to snuff. Going to head out now and get that fixed, hopefully for good! Need to bring in some dirt to help shore it up, so rocks on top will then hold everything in place. Really want to move all the plants at the bottom of the waterfall. I put 2 roses and other tall plants in there, and would really rather have smaller plants in that area. Not sure where I will go with the roses and taller plants, though, so they will remain for now.
Since no dew on the grass, going to mow pastures first, then if I get hot and sweaty working on the waterfall (and maybe fixing the stream, too, while I'm at it ...) I'm going to jump in the ponds for a cool off, and groom the lilies! Got some of them done last night that are on the outer edge shelf, but have to go into the pond for the ones in the deeper end, up on "garage" shelves. Water is about 82, so perfect to "swim" in.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Yep got it today CE and I put them in water and will plant them up when I get the time soon. They look great w/ lots of roots! Thank you :blueflower:
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Finally got a pic of the little frog that I've seen lately, as it is jumping for safety. He's only 2" long or so, but thinking maybe a young bullfrog.
Little frog.JPGSmall frog.JPG
And, this female koi from Pond Kid that I got last year in March, may get moved back to the koi pond. Like how she is turning out. White belly, black body, red on head. Only thing mainly different from Shamu is that Shamu is scaleless, and this one has scales.
Female koi from Pond Kid 2.JPG
This is the lone survivor of the hibiscus seeds I started this spring from Sissy. I just was not careful enough to keep them all growing. Going to transplant it out in front flower bed if I can get it done before the rain gets here. Presently in between two storm systems, hear thunder all around me. Kinda cool!
Hibiscus from seed from Sissy.JPG
And, the I think it's called willow Magnolia trees (there are 2) from another ponder in Indiana, doing well! Going to have to stake them so they start out straighter, but they are growing just fine.
Willow magnolia trees - 2.JPG
And, the waterfall pool from frog's point of view.
Waterfall pool.JPGFrogs view 2.JPG

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