The pond dig has begun!

Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Yep, I hope so, too, Addy. I know I'm taking a large risk by not protecting my fish further. They do have the "garages" to hide under, but we all know that their curiosity will get them eaten in time. That heron is a very patient bird, will just wait them out and then attack. I just hope he stays where he is allowed ... in the farm pond. It's on the other end of my 6 acres, and my property is a rectangle, so there is the big barn, driveway to barn, and part of the pasture between the farm pond and my backyard. But, as I say, I'm hoping the dogs and all the yard ornaments and spinner will be enough to deter him from the easy fishing.
I got the waterline re-routed so that it will go on the inside edge of the waterfall, where it is over liner, instead of the outside edge. That way, if I have a waterline break or failure, hopefully most if not all of the water will drain back into the pond. There is continuous liner from one end of the pond to the far side of the waterfall.
Here is the water line wrapped in an insulated rubber wrap, before it was buried, a couple of weeks ago.
Water line wrapped, ready to reroute.JPG
And, the fountain line has been unhooked since last summer, because I was going to use different line. Finally got that finished, and got the fountain up and running at the same time, couple of weeks ago.
fountain up and running again.JPG
Today, because it was too windy to lay mulch, I got the waterline buried under the planter on the inside edge of the waterfall, behind the wall stones.
Buried wrapped waterline on inside edge of waterfall.JPG
And then planted the planter. Put in Creeping Jenny and Wave Petunias. We shall see how they do. Hoping the CJ will live through the winter, but up there, it will have not much protection from the elements. Will have to remember to water it as often as the hanging pots, too.


  • Planter on inside edge of waterfall planted.JPG
    Planter on inside edge of waterfall planted.JPG
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Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I've begun keeping all algae that I pull from the ponds and/or stream, and putting it in the kiddie pool. I figure if there are any eggs, they can hatch, and so far I've rescued several plants that I didn't know were in with the algae. So far, no smell, and the algae seems to be decomposing and going away. Ludwegia that got pulled is growing now. Not sure I will put it anywhere, but may just let it grow in there and bloom.
My swimming pool of algae and ludwegia coming back to life.JPG
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Funny story. Walking from house to the barn, saw a bullfrog hunkered down in the grass. Walked right up to it and caught it, didn't even try to jump away. Thought perhaps dogs had injured it. Looked it over, nothing bleeding and no scrapes, so gently put him on the edge of the skimmer box on the water line. He kept trying to stay on my hand. Finally got his footing and I backed up and talked to him. Walked away, got my rake was heading to the barn for, and he was still there. Then, about 15 minutes later, I see him on the inside lip of the skimmer, in the water flow, just sitting there! Go to get camera, it won't turn on, zoom problem, keeps turning on and off, on and off, had to remove battery. HELP!!!! I'm totally lost without my camera!
Well, anyhow, back to the bullfrog. He is croaking up a tune now, and I mean LOUD, far louder than the other 2 were last night. And, there is another one much quieter, probably in the goldfish pond, answering him. But, this guy sounds soooo happy! I think he's hollering at me, "Hey, thanks, human! That was way nice of you." :blueflower:
Earlier today, I saved a starling (I know, should have let that one get killed or eaten ... ) and a robin baby. Both were not yet able to fly, parents squawking up a storm. The robin baby was on the top step when I opened the door to go to the garage!!! He got in there and all the way to the front of the garage, on the steps! Anyhow, caught them, gently held them above a branch until their little feet grabbed a hold, then told them to hang on tight, and wait for their Mama! Yep, I love springtime. :banana:
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Well, shucks. Been hearing a frog, spotted it only kind of last weekend, knew it was small, but could not find the sound on the internet. Finally wondered if it was a Northern Cricket Frog, as I had a bunch of them the first year for my pond, 2 years ago, and didn't remember seeing any last year. Well, here is what I'm hearing:
So, they are back!!! I'm excited. Now, I just hope that they will sit closer to the deck where I can see them, too. First year, I took lots of pics of their different color patterns on their backs, and I'd love to SEE several again this year. :blueflower:
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
Chicago Area
Hardiness Zone
United States
CE, That was so nice of you to save that bullfrog.... but you know it is very likely that the bullfrogs are eating your smaller frogs. The US government considers bullfrogs to be invasive species and their sale and transportation is being controlled more and more. It's amazing that most aquarium and garden stores that sell fish and pond supplies only sell tadpoles that are bullfrogs.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Keith, I guess I figured if the bullfrogs ate fish fry, that was fine, as well as the tadpoles, but didn't even think that they were also possibly eating the cricket frogs! Oh well, no way can I catch and get rid of them, not with my farm pond so close, they will just come back. So, will have to live with them. But, now I have another reason for the little frogs to have gone missing. Toads croaking tonight.
Got home from vacation, gone week ago Sunday until this evening at 9 p.m., had right at 4" of rain while I was gone. Can you guess what my grass looks like?! Wow, I will be mowing tomorrow after work, unless it rains again. Too tired to check the weather. Time for bed. Pictures of Hawaii trip to follow, but probably not until at least Thursday, maybe the weekend. A 5 hour time change really sucked on the way back, as I lost those hours. Left Hawaii at 11 p.m. Mon. night, and after a 3 hour delay (left Phoenix, 45 minutes into the trip, the pilot decides there is a vibration he's not happy with, so we returned, got another plane, everyone got $10 food voucher, and back on board), didn't get back home until 9 p.m. Not really 24 hours, with the 5 hour time change, but seems like it!
Hope I didn't miss anything important. No way I can catch up on everything after not being on-line for 9 days, so if I am confused at comments, that's why!


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Glad you are back CE and hope you had a wonderful time! My sister has been here now for about 10 days staying w/ us looking for a home to buy. Nothing yet. This is taking up a lot of my time so I haven't posted much lately. Will be that way till she finds something and gets settled. Hard to find something w/ limited funds. Addy found a neat wetland place by her Florida job. Lou had killer bees removed. Sissy won a battle w/ the air conditioner guys,lawn mower problems for a few of us and Cape is trying to wrangle up a fish from her pond and much, much more from lots more peeps. Others can fill you in more as I haven't been around much.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Nice to have you back CE, hope you had a good nights rest too! :)
I have been working non stop in garden, so much to do around here, between work, garden and puppies, not too much time left for hubby or house! Good thing he is away working hard, cause then I can get lots done. Love hubby, but they are just another thing to feed and take care of! Ha ha ha!
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
Chicago Area
Hardiness Zone
United States
JW, Could you maybe write a weekly blog as a summary? It would save so much work for other people...seriously! A lot of times I don't have any time to read other threads and just add a line or two to mine and would this a great way to keep up with everyone! CE, Welcome back. Glad the reason you did not follow up to my comment about bullfrogs was that you didn't hate what I wrote about them, and you were actually out of town instead! I think all of our kids have been to Hawaii, but we have never gone.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Keith then I would be the one sitting her reading forever! I have cut down a lot on posting here nowadays as my sis is here and we are trying like mad to find a home for her here. Hard work and takes a lot of time. Sorry you just all have to read, read and read some more if ya wanna know what's happening. Got lots of homes to go look at tomorrow so wish us luck as I want my space back someday soon.
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
Chicago Area
Hardiness Zone
United States
j.w. good luck with your search. I was kinda out of the loop for a while and now there are so many new people and threads I can't even begin to keep up. I thought the summary idea was really great. Maybe if you don't do it someone else will volunteer? Meanwhile my real work is really beginning to back up so maybe I need to go dark for a while! I have an iris ready to bloom too. I'll try to take a picture :)
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Wow, thanks for the summary, JW!!! No way can I catch up on the weather and banter threads. But, I will get back to reading on here again soon. Seems everyone wants to come visit, or I have to do things after work, or mow. Got a new lawn sweeper as my old one (I think it's at least 8 years old) finally got too worn out to repair. So, tomorrow I mow again, lowering the deck a notch, and then put the sweeper together to pick up the grass clippings. I use it on my garden, and the horses always get some, too. They are on pasture, but only eat part of the pasture, the same part ... won't eat the old taller grass, so may have to mow that down this weekend. too So much to do to catch up.
My huge clump of purple irises bloomed and are done while I was gone! DARN!!! But, I have a white iris that someone gave to me (totally have forgotten who ...) that is beautiful, and another shorter purple iris that I must have gotten from someone this spring, don't remember that one blooming before. The plants I got from others are doing great, and my water clover and parsley ... OMG totally taking over the goldfish bog. Maybe that's why that pond stays so crystal clear! Need to thin that out.
Keith, I'm not the type to ever get mad and go quiet. LOL I'll voice my opinion, and then move on, forget it. I almost never get mad. Usually I learn from what others tell me, and instead of getting defensive, I try to sit back and think, "Oh, wow, I never thought of it that way." Like your issue about the little frogs. I never even thought about the bullfrogs eating them! This year, earlier, I had a dozen bullfrogs on the ponds. Lately, and for the last month or more, 1, maybe 2, are all I'm seeing. I did spray roundup around the perimeter of the ponds, so I'm wondering if it was right before they all came to the pond, and I killed them. I doubt it, or if that did happen, there will be more to show up, I'm certain. There is a huge sounding granddaddy bullfrog on the farm pond. Wow, is he loud! Been hearing a pair of toads nightly all week. Soon will be toad taddies in the ponds. Maybe this year I'll actually see a baby!

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