Sounds really nice, Colleen, and you're right, that was a STEAL for that gazebo! I could never have anything like that at my house. Too wide open and the winds would tear it up in one big wind storm. What others get in wind, with protection from other houses and trees, I get the full mother load, nothing to stop it. I realize now how much wind I WASN'T getting when I lived in the woods.
Here is my new 44" lawn sweeper. Went back and checked, and my old one was over 10 years old, so sure got my money's worth out of it. AND, since it might be repaired with some welding and adjusting, gave it to my neighbor that has his cows here. His uncle is a good welder, he said, and then he will have a sweeper for their yard, and can feed it to his calves that he has there! Win-win situation for both of us. The bag was in perfect shape yet.

I had a visitor and her grandma/my friend on Friday evening, and then another visitor and her mommy on Sat. a.m.

Visited with my former neighbor on Fri., got caught up on our lives, and other friend is a gardener, both flower and vegetable deluxe, so we swapped out plants. She got lamb's ear, Karly Rose, Mouse Ears hosta, bee balm, sedum (2 kinds that she didn't have) and a flower that multiplied this year, but I can't remember what it is called! I got lemon balm, 2 gallon jugs of wintersowed blanket flowers (some will go in my wildflower bed) and Pampas grass.
Here are just a few pics of the first couple of days in Hawaii. Coming in for my landing in Honolulu, this was over the Air Force base.

My nephew, son and daughter at the USS Utah memorial

My silly kids were constantly laying down on the ground, taking pics looking straight up, or under or over .... fun watching them "get the shot"!

This was typical of my son, and my nephew's girls. They were stuck to him like glue all week, and he loved it. He enjoys kids as much as his Mama!

Matt and Sarah under a huge Banyan tree on Ford Island.

My nephew also loves kids. They set up a mini PT (physical training) course on his front lawn. He would have the kids go through what he has his group of soldiers do in PT some mornings. Of course, he adapted it somewhat to kids, but mostly the same the men do. Things like crab walk, wheelbarrow, monkey walk ... They loved it!!! Then they did a pile up on him.

My daughter in front of the USS Utah, where it was sunk in World War II during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Most of the ships that were sunk in Pearl Harbor were brought up, either put back in service, or cut apart for scrap to use in other ships. It's amazing to me, the size of the vessels that were brought back to the surface and repaired. And, the stories about the attack on Pearl Harbor were amazing.