This is what I got done on Saturday, when it was pretty chilly outside. I pulled up the water line that I had running on the outside edge of the waterfall ...

... then moved it to the inside wall instead, as there is liner under there from the waterfall to the pond and bog.

Then, I think I need to have the fountain line and shut off for that moved to the other side of the pond, as it will be easier to get to on the inside edge of the bog (and the plants will eventually hide it) than between the deck and pond). So, clear line is the fountain line, black line is where I will "T" off the pump to attach to the fountain line.

So, my son figured out that I should get a check valve to fit the 1.5" PVC line in the Skippy, rather than try to put it in-line on the flexible tubing, which was why I was confused trying to figure out how to add a "T", and the check valve, and still run the line to the fountain line and not go so far. Still not positive it will work with the number of feet of water line it will be pumping through, but I have a 4200 gph pump, so we shall see. The height of the waterfall is not that much, and the fountain line will be on the water surface.
He also suggested (as did Sissy) that I wrap the line before I put it under the ground and inside the wall, so going to buy some tube insulation to wrap the line with. I may get to keep the Skippy running all year YET!!! Probably not, but we sure are going to try to keep things from freezing up.
Oh, and I pulled 5 dead bullfrogs out of the Skippy. P.U.!!! One was humongous, body was larger than my hand, son said the legs would have been good eating. LOL Guess I'll have to wait for new ones to come this year now. Never had them in the Skippy before, so they tried something new and failed. Not sure if they died because of the freezing water (I assume) or if the Skippy went dry when the pump shut down from frozen lines. I had the check valve on top, so it should not have gone dry, so I suspect it froze too deep for them to survive. Still hoping the two I saw in the pond when I was refilling it are still down in the much and survived.
Also, heard frogs in my farm pond last night. Not sure what kind they were, not bullfrogs or peepers, something else. So, that's good news!!!