I got some fun stuff! I'm always looking for heavy things for around the ponds and flower gardens, and since Morel mushrooms are so common in this area in the spring, these concrete replicas were a "must have"! They came with 3 or 4 other concrete or stone or plastic things, all of which I did not take with me.

I was talking, missed bidding on this brass kaleidascope, but then talked the dealer out of it later, since he was buying so much stuff! The other two smaller ones are also kaleidescopes. One looks like a shotgun shell, the other similar.

Love marbles!!!

This was my 75 cent box of stuff. I wanted the moisture beads, you soak them with water, helps keep plants moist longer. Got the "fountain" kit, not even opened (fountain pic coming up yet) and I have cactus, so the liquid fertilizer was a good thing, the ladies gloves were probably left on the wagon, so they got tossed into my box LOL, and the other boxes are wood (500 in the box when new) and plastic (1,000 in the box when new) plant markers.

My son hunts deer, and always enjoys finding deer antler sheds. There were 4 that are small, have the skull "cap" attached to the antlers, and one larger shed.

I think I asked what a "Pip Pip" water garden fountain was. Well, it was a typo, or the person didn't know. It's a "Pipi" statue, and as you can tell, it does just that! Poor little boy, his "peepee"is broken off, but it was still too cute! The auctioneer tried to sell just the statue by itself, I bought it, then I said, "It does go with the base and bowl, right?" Nope, "You should have said it was a set, do you want it individually or do we have to rebid it?" Well, DUH!!!! That auctioneer is a real jerk. They are known for bidding things up themselves. Anyhow, I had others around me that agreed with me that it was a 3 piece set, so I said, "I want it rebid!" Had to pay another $8 for all three pieces, but it was worth it.

This was my favorite items with "freebies". I wanted the saw blades, got them for $10 I think. There was junk in the box, as usual, but the Delft Blue windmill vase was cool, since I have several pieces of that (love windmills), and the frog is carved out of soapstone (cool, since I love frogs) and the egg looks like it's made out of marble!