Thanks, JW and Addy for your thoughts. I hope your pup is doing better, Addy!
I thought of something last night, when my body decided no sleep needed again ... was after 3:30 before I drifted off. Anyhow, I don't think a waterwheel will be a good idea. I'll have to post on Whiskey's build but I'm afraid with my high winds, unless the waterwheel has some type of brake and "no reverse" mechanism, there will be nothing to keep it from going hell mell forward or worse, backward and kicking the water out of the area. I sure don't want my pond emptying out because of a windy day and a running away water wheel. I even thought of putting it in the stream, to turn with the flow of the water, but again, if it's really windy would it push the water up and throw it everywhere? Those are answers I bet Whiskey can answer, and then I will be able to make a decision on that.
I know I posted these pics on the "what was your weather like today" thread, but thought I should have posted them here, and I'm posting the drawing along with it, so you have maybe a better idea of what my backyard looks like and where the trees/stumps are.
View from inside the house, looking towards the area where the new pond will possibly go.

From the corner of the deck, looking over the left end of the pond, towards the area where new pond will be dug, unless I change my mind.

Diagram again of the new pond area, stream, and where the trees are situated.