Great idea about the stream and the stump, Addy. Hmm .... I was thinking of the stream coming out from the lowest end of the existing pond, which is the skimmer end (left end when standing on my deck. Maybe I need to rethink and put the second pond straight out, but then it would be farther from the house, and electricity. And, now that I have measured and looked at the area, I'm thinking of having the stump removed. It was supposed to be in the middle of a seating area, and still would be; however, it would be VERY difficult to get the ground level around it to put pavers for a patio. Might leave it still, but here's my preliminary plan.

So, look at the layout, let me know what you think. I could swing the new pond more to the far side of the red bud tree, have it more visible from the deck. As it is in this drawing, it would be visible easily if I was sitting on the deck in the middle. From inside the house, I would be looking through the railing for the left half of the pond, which would be ok. That's why I've curved it to the right (south) so that more of the waterfall/water wheel part is visible from the deck and/or inside the house.
My son will build me a bridge (he doesn't know it yet, but I'm going to ask for it for my birthday, LOL) and I know I can build up the edges of the stream so that the water won't run in from the ground, and I think I have plenty of fall (maybe 6" or so from the main pond) for it, espeically since I will start the stream above ground level at the other pond. My other thought is to take the water from the skimmer (if the pump is strong enough, but it should be) and split it to go about 70" to the bog area (on the top left, ran out of room on paper) and 30" to the top of the stream. I'd make some type of a fall look from the main pond, to look like it was flowing from the main pond, then going down the stream and into the second pond. The main pump would be in the middle of the pond, and feed the waterfalls (dual, one on each side of waterwheel) and waterwheel. I may even have more pressure from that pump (it's a 4200 gph Laguna) than the skimmer, which would be more like an 1400-1600 gph size. I guess I would bury the electric line for the pump, or run it next to the stream under the back side of the liner.
All thoughts are more than welcome! This is just the beginning planning stage, and as before, it will probably not be anything like this, but I needed to get my ideas down on paper to get the thought train going.