Diggin, yeah, it went from something like 97 or 98 actual temp yesterday, down to 70 in about 90 minutes total! Back up there today, humidity is awful, but once I'm out in it, not too bad, just drinking about half gallon of cold liquid an hour.

The Japanese Maple I got is the type to only get about 3-4' tall and wide, but can get up to 6' tall and/or wide, so I put it 4' out from my deck. It looks great, although it has lost some of it's burgandy color, my sister says because it should have been planted sooner. I've had it well over a month, trying to decide where to put it.
Thanks, JW. I'm ever so proud of my pond, and it's getting better all the time. Now, if I can just remember to get more tubing for the waterfall, then I will jump in and get that filter moved. Probably will go ahead and try to find the black tubing and replace it now, rather than extending the clear stuff, since everyone says it is not the best stuff to use.
BTW, the clear is looking very full of algae, as everyone said it would, since the sun gets through to let it grow. Should I assume that the black stuff won't do that, or at least not as quickly? Do I have to remove the tubes and clean them out every so often? Year, 2 years, 5 years??? Since this is my first year, trying to figure out the maintenance issues ahead of time, rather than when things start to clog up.