It was 40 here today, tomorrow more snow and the yucky freezing rain coming in. I'm right on the line of the snow vs. freezing rain stuff. Hoping I get neither, but would prefer snow if I have the choice. Again, Interstate 70 seems to be the dividing point. South supposed to get 3-6" snow after 1/4" freezing rain, farther south, more freezing rain than snow. I'm 7 miles south of Interstate 70, and it's amazing to me how Altamont, the town on the interstate, can have 6" of snow, and I have 2"! It's not coming in until late tomorrow night, and then all day Sunday. Supposed to be warm again tomorrow, in the 40's again, then only high 27's for high on Sunday. Yikes, just looked, and sleet is predicted for here from 11 p.m. Sat. through 7 a.m. before it changes over to snow! Uh oh ... and it's 70% likely, too. Temps 30 down to 24, so I'm hoping it changes over to snow long before they have it predicted. (I was thinking here, I better have some buckets of water, in case lose electricity, then realized I left the flipping water on out at the horse trough AGAIN!!!! Geesh ... will I NEVER learn??? At least didn't drain the well this time.) Glad it's coming in on the weekend, no worries about driving to or from work in it. And, this will definitely qualify for March coming in like a lion so it darn well better go out like a lamb.