The pond dig has begun!

Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I agree, Mitch, and I'm amazed this pump has not burned up yet! It has been running for well over 12 hours with no water running through the lines before, and still seems to be fine. I'm very thankful for that. Now, if it burns up next time, it will sure serve me right, as I sure have been an imbecile leaving it on over and over and OVER. :confused::cry::(
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Hey, I found a timer, it was stuck (magnet) to the side of the fridge. Have never used it. LOL Not even sure how it made it to this house, maybe got it free? Anyhow, battery is dead, so will check to see if a new battery will save it for my water tank timer!
And, so you don't think I'm ALWAYS forgetful, this morning I cleaned out skimmer baskets and filters (lots of green stuff floating to the surface, mainly koi pond, also on goldfish pond, too) and decided to top off the koi pond. Came right inside and set my stove timer, which beeps and beeps until I turn it off. Set it for only 20 minutes, long enough to add a couple of inches. I'm really paranoid now to use any water outside!


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Good CE and hope that timer will help you along w/ others set also. Don't want you to burn out your pump or send your fishies floating down the road plus the pump running uses up electricity and steals your hard earned money. Was there some reason, can't remember if you could not use a timer on your hose? I do that for my pond in Summer to give it a top off each day for about 15mins. Hose is set to a minimum volume to just slowly run in there and have it set up higher at the waterfall so it drops in and adds more oxygen by splashing in.


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
CE get a battery operated timer for your hose, cheap insurance.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
OK, ladies and gents. Here's my problem. I don't have a hose on the horse trough hydrant. It runs into a piece of sump pump tubing I have wired over the opening, to make it go to the trough. I guess if I had a very short hose on it, I could put a timer on it, but that hose would be 5' or less long. I pull the handle up to turn it on, push it down to turn it off. I don't have problems ... usually ... with my ponds in the yard, as I have to walk over the hose to go in or out of the house, which helps. I have, however, left the house water running before, but no ill effects. I have well water, so it's not like I'm paying for it (except the electricity, granted) and if I run it dry, it will come right back in an hour. Thank goodness I don't have to prime that silly pump. Better knock on wood, cause I've never had to yet anyhow. Ran it dry just a couple of times, both times had plenty of water within an hour. Really lots of water out here, even in a drought.
So, my only alternative I can see for the horse's water trough (until my son comes and puts the light on the outside, which goes on and off with the pump, like I had with the old well housing ...) is to have a hand held battery operated timer that I leave out in the barn. When I turn the water on, I will need to put the timer in my pocket and use that as my reminder. :playful:


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
CE, out by the farmer's field where I go some days with the puppies, I will try to get a good picture of this cattle trough that is out in the middle of no where. The trough is up against this hill that leaks water all the time, as it is a natural spring. The farmer has two pipes shoved into the dirt, and the pipes pour water from this natural spring into the trough, keeping it full winter and summer. I wonder if you have a natural spring somewhere near the farm, next time you are out riding, look for spots in the land that are constantly wet, there could be a natural spring that you could take advantage of in a similar manner. Just wondering cause you have a well, so you could also have a natural spring nearby too.
Jan 8, 2012
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Kalispell, Montana
We have three springs that run year round. When we had horses, the spring in the main horse pature we would go out and check on it during the winter to make sure it didn't freeze up on the really cold days. We have been lucky that we have never had to haul water or put in a stock tank to water them. We still have Pappy, which I have mentioned before ( my kids pony) which she is over 20 years old. She made through the really cold snaps that we had this year. :)
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
A neighbor just told me last night his gelding is "still hanging on". Asked how old he is, and he said, "Oh, I know he's over 30!" Holy cow, I know ponies can get that old, but this is a horse. Glad your Pappy made it through that horrendous winter. It's really hard on all animals, especially the old ones.
Colleen, if there was a spring, I could not use it since the land is totally flat around here. There are springs in the ground ... well I guess that's true everywhere. The ground water in my area is very near the surface, and there is lots of it, so that's why my wells come back so quickly. Also, it's a bad thing, because part of my barn had been dug down about 2' (before I bought the place) and that area has standing water in it unless a drought. I need to fill it back in with dirt, just one of those projects have not gotten to yet. It's like someone ran a hose in there all the time, but no water runs in there, it's just what soaks into the ground nearby, comes out in the barn area. Other area right next to it doesn't have that happen, because it is backfilled. Stupid people before me went in and dug out huge areas really deep, never finished, and never filled it back in.
Where I lived when I was married, we had a great spring, though. It was in the hillside, and probably 30' wide. That whole area stayed wet year round. There was an old trough at the bottom, and a pipe into the hill. Used it to water cattle many years ago. We built our pond and that area is now filled with water. Always wondered if that spring still ran, and if it would help fish spawn, with running water. Probably the pressure from the pond water pushed at the spring and stopped it's flow, though. Not sure how that would work.


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
I used to love my parents spring you were always guaranteed a cold fresh drink of water on a hot day .Guy who bought property has it now as a water feature .He told me other people pay for this and mine is all free from mother nature .I went over before he started work on the property because he wanted me to point certain things out for him so he could fence them so they would not be destroyed .He took all the gardens out except for a small patch and added to the house .But the spring was a charm he did not even see was there until I pointed it out because a front loader had parked over it .He got the guy to move the loader fast .
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Yesterday, for the first time this year, the koi came up to the top of the water when I walked out in the morning. They even acted like they were hungry, which I'm sure they probably are, but water is not near warm enough yet. Water clarity is slowly getting better. Can actually see the bottom, although not clearly. Each day it gets better, and with the warmer weather, the plants will really start growing, so things will cycle very soon. Looks like they came up for a photo shoot, all in a cluster. They were not at the surface when I got the camera and came back outside, but still able to see them. :)
Koi coming out to say hello.JPG


  • Koi March 30 2014.JPG
    Koi March 30 2014.JPG
    112 KB · Views: 192
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Been a great last few weeks at my house! After wind storm damage about 2 months ago now, I had insurance look at my roof, and they agreed it needed to be replaced. They paid enough that I was able to replace it with steel, and since I have so much wind, figured that would be the best option for me. Roof got done last week, looks like this ... and the front door already got painted 2 years ago to match the barn, so it matches perfectly as well!
Front finished.JPG
Front door already painted.JPG

Today I FINALLY got my new gutters. I had "ordered" them last fall, using puppy money from sale of Boston puppies to pay for it. I've kept that cash around for about 7 months, which is amazing in itself! Made a deal with the installer to deduct a little and take cash. LOL Downspout used to be on closest corner of the garage, but then you had to step over the splash guard. Now it's been moved to the other side, where it can drain onto the driveway, and no one ever will have to walk over it again. Seamless aluminum, should last forever!

Done with repairs to house, although the soffit and fascia trim now needs to be painted or replaced. Wish I would have known they were not going to totally cover the fascia trim, as now it looks awful behind that pure white of the gutters. Guess I didn't ask enough questions, or know enough to ask the questions. Ho hum ...
Also, previous thought about putting shutters on the front, either side of the windows. Now it looks like it would really dress it up nicely with the colored roof. Question: Do you just put shutters on the front of the house, or the whole thing? Also, I know they are an attractant for wasps, and how hard are they to attach? Pretty sure I could do that myself, just asking some basic questions on other's experience with them.


Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
most just put shutters on the front but I have mine for the back in the basement if I can get to them .I have 3 baskets to make and wood is dry now so going to have to get to them next .But still have to get lotus tubers into the lotus pond

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