I'm having a truly shitty day! As i was making coffee this morning, I saw a red squirrel run along the railing of the deck at the back of the house, with a mouthfull of something, and duck behind the barbaque. Going to investigate, I opened the sliding door and stepped outside. SOMETHING felt soft under my heel. Looked down, only to discover that I had stepped in a pile of... wait for it... RACCOON SHIT!

And not only that, there were three piles of it, all fresh!

Got that cleaned up with my dear wife's help, and went to check the barbeque. The little red bugger had filled the entire thing with one humungous nest, grass around the outside, with a nice soft center of shredded cedar bark and bits of cotton and paper towels. Got THAT cleaned up, and decided I'd better check for any animal damage on the rest of the deck. (It's 32' x 15', 10' off the ground, with a 10' x 12' screen room in the middle, and a sliding door at each end.) In front ot the second door, I found.... drum roll, please.... EIGHT OR NINE MORE PILES OF COON CRAP!!!!

,etc. Like I said, a TRULY shitty day! And it's only 10:00 am! The live traps will be out before it gets dark!
(And then I had to type this THREE TIMES, because the computer gremlins kept eating it!