I've never heard of an "earth box". Can you post a pic, Sissy?
My day pretty much sucked today, due to nosy Grandparents sticking their nose where it doesn't belong with their kid's child support case! They didn't want to hear, "I'm sorry, I cannot discuss your son/daughter's case with you, you are not a party to their case." They just wanted to scream at how I'm not doing my job right (which is totally wrong) and that I HAVE to listen to them, and I HAVE to do something about it! Geesh ... such obnoxious, hateful, mean people. By the end of the day, I finally got word from the Regional Office, who had messed up, causing all of the problems (I didn't mess up, I might add ... I did my job in a timely manner Woohoo!) that they were correcting the issue, and the money on hold would be sent out soon. I called the mom and told her, and she was happy. When parents jump in to "help" their kids, all it does is cause problems. If they are over 18, let them handle the matter. It's their child, their case, their problem. They do NOT need Mommy and Daddy holding their hand any longer. Let them grow up for goodness sake! These people called me 7 times today, and with no caller ID, I had to answer the calls. When I finally decided enough was enough, let answering machine take all calls, they called no less than 10 more times. What jerks!