About the only time I wonder if a game is set up is during the World Series, where there are 7 games, and if the same team wins the first 3, I figure they do something to make sure the other team wins at least the next 2, since there is so much programming going on for all 7 games, the networks would have to scramble to fill the empty space. The Super Bowl being set up ... I highly doubt it. And, if the Seahawks fans are loud, so be it! Nothing gets a team going better than excited screaming fans! If Payton couldn't handle it, that was his problem, not the fans'. Also, if that DID indeed cause a problem with him communicating with his teammates, then they and other teams' fans will do more of it in the future.
I still don't understand, have heard no explanation why Obama was allowed 15 minutes on Super Bowl Sunday to talk about health care program and who was guilty in the people that were killed. Geesh ... what was that all about anyhow? I figure he would get 1 minute or 2, talk about who he was rooting for, and why. He just had a State of the Nation address a week prior to that. Was it Bill O'Rielly that was to blame for that? Who set up that interview, and WHY??? Made me want to ...

Maybe this guy was responsible ...