Your wife is extremely beautiful, and VERY professional looking, Lou! Tell her I said that.

Not that I hold any weight in this world, but women always like to hear things like that, and I never say anything I don't mean.
Those burr oak acorns are very neat, agree with JW they would make really neat fall decorations. Around here, white and red oaks, but never seen a burr oak tree I don't think. I used to have woods all around my house when I was married, should have counted the number of trees I mowed around. LOL Well over 100 I'm positive, and in the yard, all were oak and hickory. Let me tell you, they had tons of leaves that never shriveled up, and then you had to deal with the nuts, too. I always encouraged anyone and everyone to come pick up hickory nuts! We had at least 3 different type of hickory tree, one I remember was shag bark. But, the squirrels ALWAYS took the one type of nuts first. They must have either been sweeter, or easier to shell. There were some that were so darn hard to shell, it was barely worth the effort. I much prefer pecans when it comes to shelling a nut.