The Good Banter Thread

Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Addy, I have a sister that is like yours! She has migraines, takes meds for it, went nuts for 18 months, until I finally told her hubby something needs to give. She was addicted to pain meds, talked out her butt when she called, nothing made sense. He said, "I thought it was just to me!" That was a turn around era. She also figures out what she thinks she has and self treats. She's gone through the gluten free diet "that fixed everything" for a while. Her weight goes up and down. We are all short (5', could put a level across all 4 of us sisters'
heads, same height) and two of my sisters are below 100#, sick all the time, get every flu there is, or are complaining of migraines. The other two (yep, I'm one of the "fatter" sisters) never get sick, other "fat" sister works in hospital insurance dept. We never complain about aches and pains, just take Alleve if needed, which is seldom, and are happy to be alive. So, in my opinion, having the right attitude, not dwelling on the illness and not having to have the attention from others, is what will keep you healthy, happy and free of pain! BTW, the two "skinny" sisters are the ones that have had back/neck surgeries, too, and they both have been (or are) addicted to pain meds for migraines. I had headaches probably 5 out of 7 days of my young life when I was in school. Just thought it was normal. Allergies is what it turned out to be. Maybe that's when I got tolerant to pain. Didn't complain, as my mother's theory was if you didn't have a fever, you went to school. Period.
I'm also a firm believer that having a little extra weight is a good thing, as if you get really sick, you have some reserve to help you bounce back. My mother is also very small, 4'9.5" (she shrunk 1/2" LOL) and about 90#. I on the other hand, sometimes wish I would get sick to lose a few pounds!


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
cinnamon lowers cholesterol .Know what you mean ce both of my parents were tall mom was just shy of 6 ft tall and dad was over 6 feet tall and me being the baby got cheated I am only 5 feet 2 inches tall .We are supposed to get rain today but still supposed to be 74 out ,but sure is chilly this morning at 48 degrees .One time I was ever really sick is when my brother got the wise idea of eating wild strawberries and they were in a poison ivy patch too .I got it inside and out. .I have been a vegetarian all my life .Mom always said children eat what they eat and since doctors could really see nothing wrong with it ,why not .Then ate a piece of chicken one time and ended up in the hospital at age 5 and they found I did not have the enzymes in my stomach to digest meat and it was rotting .Never again after that did I eat meat in any foods .The chicken was an accident .Never been really sick but did have the problem when I had my first son and then nothing since .
Sep 18, 2012
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Desoto, Texas (Dallas County) North Texas, Zone 8a
Thanks for the well wishes. Feeling good and not so good is cyclic so there may be times I will be away for awhile. I have a great group of loving family and friends (includes you lot) and doctors. The dear Lord blesses us each and very day. I wish such blessings for all of you.

On the humorous side I use an old saying from my blacksmith grandfather who handled the county's last team of road maintenance mule teams. When someone asks me how I am doing during times I truly am not doing well I smile and say "Like my blacksmith grandpa use to say my hind legs are ailing!". :)).
Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Indiana, US Zone 6b
Good Lou! Glad your feeling better :) !!

Looking back CE I believe I had some ( or maybe the start ) of the symtoms I have today, like you, I thought it was normal too. Didn't know any different lol. As I got older and had kids, the symptoms got worse, and I just chocked it up to getting older :wacko:
My doctor at the time told me it was just a virus and it would pass..... But you know? I don't think having "the flu" for a year and a half is normal!! There was a point that I truly thought I was going crazy!! Lol Until I found my current doctor, who helped me see that it wasn't all in my head. Hah! Luckily, I have a husband now that understands, even though he may not know what to do, just knowing he's there for me makes me feel better :)


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Sissy, My two sisters are hard core Vegan, no butter, no cheese, no dairy, no eggs, not even HONEY! (They say it mean to the bees) they only eat raw fruit and vegetables, no cooked nothing, all RAW!! They are very very skinny, pale, and weak, and I swear there brain is lacking something big time! I'm the fat one, they say I'm going to die a horrible death eating all that cheese, butter, meat, and cooked foods. They are the one's sick all the time, but if you ask why they are sick, the say "were going thru something Really DEEP, like DeTox shit" and that there are not sick, that there "cells" are expelling shit! What kind of crap is that!! They also are on the internet looking for the next amazing herb or plant that will fix everything!!! Ha ha ha
My sister Glenda was waiting for surgery for a big problem she has, but then when they called for a long awaited appointment, she refused treatment cause she found some new herb that supposed to fix everything on internet!!!

I know I ramble on about cholesterol, but we all ate tons of it, everything used to be fired in animal fat, my aunts, uncles, and grandparents all ate everything fired in lard, no body died of heart attack, they lived long healthy lives and worked very very hard, kinda like me. Dr. Gifford Jones (who writes a weekly newpaper column) writes about cholesterol and cites Harvard studys, says there is no connection between high cholesterol and heart attacks, some people with low cholesterol have heart attacks and some with perfect cholesterol also have heart attacks too!


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
I am healthy as a horse even in my back legs,lol! Tried to "like" a bunch of all you guys stuff you wrote but only was allowed to use 2 so far so just know I like all the stuff you wrote. Love my creamy cholesterol foods and am on WeightWatchers right now trying to lose a few pounds so I can fit in all my clothes. I have a love of sweets and the WeightWatchers helps me w/ that problem mainly. LIke it cuz you can still eat all the stuff you like but just not overdo it! I was writing all the stuff down and doing points but now I am so used to the stuff I know about that I just play it by ear. Don't lose fast just at a very slow pace and now can fit into my clothes and feel so much better w/o the excess baggage. When had the extra pounds I didn't feel like moving as I don't have a large frame and fat bogs me down and I am a walker and love to get in my 6miles per day and boy can I move now w/o the extra. Also hard labor like lifting and stacking wood and brush from the wood cutting really helps you stay fit...............well after you recover from the worn out painful stress on your body the next day anyways :LOL:
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Colleen, my dad had low cholesterol, my mom has high. Some of the kids are high, others are low. I feel like cholesterol is something either your body genetically can handle or it cannot. I think people who lived long lives and ate things that had cholesterol had genetics to handle it. I have never watched my cholesterol, and the bad cholesterol is very low, good cholesterol is very high. Everything in my blood is in the better or best range. LOL I'm just very lucky. BUT, I had breast cancer, so go figure! No one in either sides of my family had ever had cancer that we knew of, so I was the "first". I had 3 grandparents live past 90, one to 104. The other grandparent died in his late 60's I think. That was my mom's dad. He probably had high cholesterol, but no one knew about it then.
So, if your body cannot handle cholesterol, you need to be careful, if you feel like that will be a problem with your heart, that is. My brother has high cholesterol, had a stroke and then 2 seizures. He has very high bad cholesterol, the docs have him on the meds.
I'm all for keeping fit, keeping active, taking as few meds as possible, but take the ones that are important. I take a daily tablet that is like an extremely low dose of chemo. I will be on that for life. I hate taking anyhow, can't choke down stupid horse pill vitamins, but this little pill is very easy to take. It's the only pill I take. I hope to never have to take numerous pills. I will refuse, unless they can convince me it's a matter of life and death. I sure don't want to get cancer again, and then wonder if I had taken that pill, would I still have gotten it back? I won't take that chance. BUT, if I did get cancer again, I would deal with it.
Life is too short to take short cuts. Enjoy it, love what you do, and then do it well. Take care of your body, don't complain unless there is really a reason. Remember the story of the boy that cried wolf. If you complain all the time, people start tuning you out. BUT, when you have issues, let people know so they can help you. Love yourself first and when you love yourself, you can love others as well. Life is too short to only be angry. Let anger go, dwell on happiness! That's my life. One of my favorite sayings is, "You don't stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop laughing." :LOL: :razz: :LOL:


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Yummmmmy cholesterol! Hey it must be good cause it tastes good!! ...... life is to short, going to die happy! :)

LOOK New and exciting Halloween glasses!


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Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Love the glasses, Colleen. Now, don't go scaring your poor hubby, he needs his rest. :) What does Poppy say when you put things like that on? I used to have a German Shepherd, and OMG, she went nuts when we would, try on Halloween costumes. It was hilarious, she sounded mean, but scared to death at the same time. Poor girl, we teased her terribly.

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