Going to have just one glass tonight, it was the first glass of wine I have had for a long time, over a good month a ago at least. Was too stressed to drink, only drink wine when happy, I do however need to go "Vegan" for a while and lose some extra "stress eating" pounds, now that my SweetPea is on the mend, I feel better now so I'm back to "posting up a storm"!
They had my Sweet pea on Morphine after the Operation, and they prescribed him large amounts, and he was "out if it" most of the time. I wanted to get rid of the bottles they gave him, but the nurse said "he needs it". So he finally "kicked the morphine bucket" all by himself a few days ago, and now he's back to" himself". (Thank God!) The Morphine made him talk lots in his sleep, and he told me that while "out of it" the walls looked like they were melting and he swears he traveled to different planets and that " transdimensional shifting" was possible!
So he had HaLf a BEER tonight, with my nephew, who also had a beer with him, and my nephew tired to show us how tough he was by opening the beer with his teeth!!! ...... so what the heck, it's better than the liquid morphine he was drinking! AnD we all had a GooD TimE! We joked about the bad "drugs" they gave him, the operation, how they "must have dropped him" cause he had big purple bruises on his arm and leg, pretty much normal stuff, except my Sweet Pea had to during his half a beer out of a SiPPy CuP!! We laughed about that too, and it felt good to see him happy again....