Yikes, Sissy, you never stop, do you?! I get tired reading all the things you get accomplished in a day, but love it, too! You go woman!!!!
I am a very positive minded person. I can find good in ANYTHING! When I had breast cancer, chemo made my allergies go away. No mosquito bites for 2 summers. I am healthy, cancer free, and have learned that you live every day as if it is your last! Always find good in everything and most importantly, EVERYONE. Sometimes people are having a bad day, I have to stop, think, and then answer when people get on my nerves. It pleases me to take a grumpy person and make them happy and apologizing to me for being grumpy, when I give them the answers they are looking for. On the other hand, when an attorney, someone who should know better, asks me stupid questions that she should know herself, that makes me irritable! But, I find ways to not answer, and let them figure it out on their own! This is not the female attorney I work for, another one that irritates the bejeebers out of us on a regular basis. We've learned not to answer her questions, act like we're not sure, and let her figure them out herself. We are not her walking supervisor for goodness sake! We are not even in her office.
OK, with the health issues, we all have to listen to our bodies and not over work them. Let's keep working on our yards and doing the things we want to do way into our 70's and 80's and 90's! Like Fishy's dad ... I want to be like him, going to the gym, keeping in shape, well into my 70's and 80's! I know I can do it, so I'm pacing myself now, so that I don't wear things out too soon. And, I typically go to the gym during the winter months, once the time changes first week of Nov., I'll join through at least Feb. maybe March. It becomes a really good habit to go right after work, I have a system that I do each workout, Mon-Fri. Sometimes I give myself a night off.
Stay healthy, and enjoy your ponds everyone.