wondering what could i do to make it have proper sound... and its too close for comfort, the liner is just barely so the water is not going out, before i had a some height to work with now i dont . so the last thing i want is i add rocks etc and it's a low edge.I'd plant something in those areas right next to the spillway that look like they're outside of the liner (plants hide a lot and make things look more natural and soft) and cover the liner with plants, gravel, moss, etc. or you could make a berm of dirt on the liner around the edge so you don't get runoff in the pond and maybe plant some grass on it?
Also, I hate to say it, but if you want a height difference between the bog and pond, I'd raise the bog up. Maybe put some sand underneath it so the container serving as your bog is higher. Either that or lower the pond. If you don't want them at the same level, one of them has to move vertically from where it is now.
i thought about digging it a bit more, and adding rocks, then water would flow over the rocks and have a waterfall effect. i mean it would work i think but i'd have to patch up every little hole so water wouldnt escape or gather. but it is an ideal kind of situation