Yeh you can't cover the top part you just need heavy mulch around the bottom .I also put a heavy duty large garbage bag under the mulch ,it helps keep the roots warmer and you cannot cover the top part you just let it die back .Ugly but that helps it grow .I had to go on the internet to learn how to divide the babies and which ones to divide .I also learned they need fertilized a lot .It was a black snake I think ,it was living under my azaelas and a guy came out and got it and relocated it .Aggressive snakes are not welcome here .I had seen it a couple of times over the years ,but it had gotten huge .Funny thing is I grew up on a farm and never once was I bitten in NJ and I move to VA and this is the second time .Thank you for your concern it is appreciated .I thought when it happened my heart was going to jump out of my chest it was beating so hard and fast .